| - Drake: Leafage! April: Hey! Drake: We aren't letting up. Pluck! April: Got you. Jon: Got you? April: Counter! Drake: Nice attack. Now Steel Wing! April: You done well Lycanroc. Jon: That was a good battle. Mary: I didn't know Dartrix learned Steel Wing. Drake: Dartrix learnt it yesterday during training with Typhlosion. Jon: That's good. ???: JON! Jon: Josie, how are you? Josie: Battle me now! No questions! Drake: That's a bit direct. Jon: This is odd, but okay. Jon: Why do you-- Josie (cutting Jon off): --6 against 6. Substitutions are allowed. Go! Jon: Oricorio! But this is its fire form. Rotom-Dex: Correct. Jon: Right, then Minior! Josie: Revelation Dance! Jon: Right, use-- Josie: --Hurricane! Jon: Why are you relentlessly attacking us? Josie: Air Slash! Jon: Ancient Power. Josie: You are giving people time to attack. Calm Mind! Drake: Josie is acting very differently. Mary: Yeah. More so than when we saw her battle Lusamine. Josie: Hurricane! Jon: Cosmic Power! Jon: Acrobatics! Josie: Air Slash! Jon: Ancient Power! Josie: Dodge then Air Slash! Josie: Hurricane! Jon: You done well Minior, return. Josie: Well? That was pathetic. Jon: What is with you? This isn't you! Mary: I'm with Jon. Salandit: Salandit! Josie: Air Slash! Jon: Fake Out! Jon: Dragon Rage! Josie: Argh. Jon: I thought you didn't want me to hold back. Josie: Hurricane! Jon: Dragon Rage! Josie: Calm Mind! Jon: Use Flame Burst to get out. Josie: You are really not going for this are you! Jon: Fine! Drake: Is she trying to piss Jon off? Jon: Nasty Plot! Josie: That won't help. Jon: If you don't trust your Pokemon you will get nowhere! Flame Burst! Jon: Dragon Rage! Jon: Flame Burst! Josie: Dodge-- Before Josie can finish, Salandit has hit Oricorio with Flame Burst, doing small damage, but enough to knock it out. Jon: Great work Salandit! April: A Sandile? Jon: Sandile? Rotom-Dex: Allow me. Rotom-Dex: Sandile, the Desert Croc Pokemon. Sandile is a Ground and Dark type. It submerges itself in the sand and moves as if swimming. It conceals itself in the sand then chomps down on a leg of its prey that unwarily walk over it. Jon: A Ground and Dark type. Josie: With black sunglasses. Mary (whispering): We did notice. Jon: Flame Burst! Jon: Dragon Rage! Josie: Dig! Jon: Good job, return and get a god rest. Sandile: Sandile! Drake: Huh? April: Moxie! Mary: Moxie? Jon: It's an ability which raises the attack when a Pokemon is defeated. Josie: Yes! Mary: Sandile is evolving! Rotom-Dex: Krokorok, the Desert Croc Pokemon. Krokorok is a Ground and Dark Type. They move in groups of few individuals. A female is often the leader of the group, and the males will gather food. Josie: You need to show me everything. You are very weak right now, what is up with you! Jon: Up with me?! You have been attacking me for no reason, and you aren't yourself. Josie: This isn't your all. Jon: Fine, Torracat! Jon: Let's go. Josie: Good! Jon: Flame Charge! Jon: Work Up. Josie: Crunch! Josie: You aren't giving it your all! Crunch! Josie: Stone Edge! Josie: You learnt Shadow Claw! Jon: Right, that's it. Leech Life! Jon: Fire Fang! Josie: Stone Edge! Jon: Leech Life! Josie: Crunch! Jon: You done well. Jon: A Gothita, right. Brionne! Josie: Calm Mind. Jon: Another Calm Mind user? Jon: Bubble Beam! Josie: Psyshock! Jon: Hyper Voice! Josie: Psychic! Jon: Argh. Josie: Charge Beam! Jon: Brionne! Josie: Psyshock. Jon: Ice Beam! Jon: Moonblast! Josie: Calm Mind! Jon: Bubble Beam! Josie: Charge Beam! Jon: You done your best Brionne, return. Jon: Now, Hakamo-o. Josie: Psyshock! Jon: Dodge it and then use Dragon Claw! Josie: Psychic! Josie: Psyshock! Jon: Try and use Draco Meteor! Jon: Headbutt! Josie: Psyshock! Jon: Now, Dragon Claw! Josie: Tailwind! Jon: Dragon Claw! Josie: Night Slash! Josie: Sky Attack! Jon: You were great, return. Josie: Weak. Jon: Why are you dong this, it makes no sense. Josie: Heat Wave! Jon: Whoa. Right, since that is how you want to play it. Flamethrower! Josie: Night Slash! Drake: That looked like a critical hit. Jon: Super Luck! Increased chance of critical hits. Urgh. Josie: Sky Attack! Jon: Catch it! Jon: Dragon Pulse! Jon: Now, Flamethrower! Josie: Hmm. Drake: A Porygon2! Mary: A what? Drake: It's a very strong Pokemon. Josie: Psychic and Tri Attack! Jon: Argh. Focus Blast! Jon: Flamethrower! Josie: Psychic! Jon: Focus Blast! Jon: Dragon Pulse! Josie: Iron Tail! Josie: Thunderbolt! Jon: Right, Shuriken Blaze! Jon: Now, Focus Blast! Josie: Thunderbolt! Jon: Typhlosion! Jon: Yes. Josie: Dazzling Gleam! Jon: Flamethrower! Josie: Flamethrower! Josie: Dazzling Gleam! Jon: Argh. Josie: Mystical Fire! Josie: I expected more. Jon: Are you okay? Mary: Wonder what Josie was doing? Jon: No idea, but it wasn't like her. Narrator: Our heroes got an unexpected visit off Josie, however she wasn't acting her normal self. Our heroes don't know why, but soon they will. Find out soon.