In the Fullmetal Alchemist manga and Brotherhood, Brigadier General Basque Grand, the "Iron-Blooded Alchemist", is a posthumous character and victim of Scar who nevertheless had valiant qualities, such as helping the Ishbalan/Ishvalan representative Logue Lowe reach negotiations unharmed during the War. The version of the character appearing in the 2003 anime, however, is a malignant, power-hungry individual concerned only with status and his own plans.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Basque Grand
- Basque Grand
| - Basque Grand (バスク・グラン, Basuku Guran) es un general de brigada y uno de los oficiales de más alto rango en las Fuerzas Armadas Amestrianas y un prominente alquimista del Estado conocido como el "Alquimista Sangre de Hierro". Al igual que Roy Mustang, Grand era una leyenda de la Guerra Civil de Ishval y ha ganado mucha notoriedad por sus acciones en el campo de batalla del Este. Es conocido entre las filas como un maestro del combate mano a mano, además de su capacidad alquímica importante, pero fue asesinado por Cicatriz temprano en la serie.
- In the Fullmetal Alchemist manga and Brotherhood, Brigadier General Basque Grand, the "Iron-Blooded Alchemist", is a posthumous character and victim of Scar who nevertheless had valiant qualities, such as helping the Ishbalan/Ishvalan representative Logue Lowe reach negotiations unharmed during the War. The version of the character appearing in the 2003 anime, however, is a malignant, power-hungry individual concerned only with status and his own plans.
- Brigadier General Basque Grand is one of the higher ranking officers in the Amestrian Military and a prominent State Alchemist known as the Iron Blood Alchemist (鉄血の錬金術師, Tekketsu no Renkinjutsushi). Like Roy Mustang, Grand was a legend of the Ishval Civil War and has gained much notoriety for his actions on the Eastern battlefield. He is known among the ranks as a master of hand-to-hand combat in addition to his significant alchemical abilities, but was nonetheless murdered by Scar early in the series.
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| - Episodio 4
- Capítulo 60
- Episodio 6
| - Combate basado en alquimia
| - Armas creadas con alquimia
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| - Militar/Alquimista estatal
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First Appearance
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| - Alquimista sangre de hierro
Birth Place
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| - Pointed handlebar mustache, facial scars
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| - State Alchemist
- Military Official
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| - Basque Grand (バスク・グラン, Basuku Guran) es un general de brigada y uno de los oficiales de más alto rango en las Fuerzas Armadas Amestrianas y un prominente alquimista del Estado conocido como el "Alquimista Sangre de Hierro". Al igual que Roy Mustang, Grand era una leyenda de la Guerra Civil de Ishval y ha ganado mucha notoriedad por sus acciones en el campo de batalla del Este. Es conocido entre las filas como un maestro del combate mano a mano, además de su capacidad alquímica importante, pero fue asesinado por Cicatriz temprano en la serie.
- In the Fullmetal Alchemist manga and Brotherhood, Brigadier General Basque Grand, the "Iron-Blooded Alchemist", is a posthumous character and victim of Scar who nevertheless had valiant qualities, such as helping the Ishbalan/Ishvalan representative Logue Lowe reach negotiations unharmed during the War. The version of the character appearing in the 2003 anime, however, is a malignant, power-hungry individual concerned only with status and his own plans.
- Brigadier General Basque Grand is one of the higher ranking officers in the Amestrian Military and a prominent State Alchemist known as the Iron Blood Alchemist (鉄血の錬金術師, Tekketsu no Renkinjutsushi). Like Roy Mustang, Grand was a legend of the Ishval Civil War and has gained much notoriety for his actions on the Eastern battlefield. He is known among the ranks as a master of hand-to-hand combat in addition to his significant alchemical abilities, but was nonetheless murdered by Scar early in the series.