| - Mantoue était une cité située en Italie, sur Terre. En 2376, lorsque le Docteur de l'USS Voyager ajouta la capacité de rêve éveillé à son programme, il s'imagina interpréter "La donna è mobile" à l'équipage dans le mess. Il introduisit sa performance ainsi : "Somewhere, in that totality known as the universe, is a galaxy called the Milky Way. Tucked into the corner of that galaxy is a planet named Earth. On that planet is a city called Mantua. Go straight ahead past the fountain, turn right, then left, then right again. You'll find yourself walking along the water, listening, as a man sings of his beloved's unfaithful heart, and even the fish begin to weep." "Quando, la donna e mobile..." (VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy")