An alternate universe was encountered by Xaq, during the Universe's restructuring. He and others from the PCG Universe, including Zoovac, The Farmer, and Ginkus, were merged with their alternate universe counterparts for that adventure. The people there have a low level of technology, but there are more magical effects in evidence. Wizards are commonplace, and it seems Zoovac's counterpart is a wizard (or at least, Zoovac has disguised himself as one). During that adventure, Ginkus' staff was locked away in a Great Pyramid. (Series 2: "Ginkus' Gift")
Attributes | Values |
| - Alternate universe (Ginkus' Gift)
| - An alternate universe was encountered by Xaq, during the Universe's restructuring. He and others from the PCG Universe, including Zoovac, The Farmer, and Ginkus, were merged with their alternate universe counterparts for that adventure. The people there have a low level of technology, but there are more magical effects in evidence. Wizards are commonplace, and it seems Zoovac's counterpart is a wizard (or at least, Zoovac has disguised himself as one). During that adventure, Ginkus' staff was locked away in a Great Pyramid. (Series 2: "Ginkus' Gift")
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| - An alternate universe was encountered by Xaq, during the Universe's restructuring. He and others from the PCG Universe, including Zoovac, The Farmer, and Ginkus, were merged with their alternate universe counterparts for that adventure. The people there have a low level of technology, but there are more magical effects in evidence. Wizards are commonplace, and it seems Zoovac's counterpart is a wizard (or at least, Zoovac has disguised himself as one). During that adventure, Ginkus' staff was locked away in a Great Pyramid. (Series 2: "Ginkus' Gift")
is Universe
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