Fish Police, which was originally a comic book series by cartoonist Steven Moncuse, centered on law and crime in a fictional underwater metropolis. The hero, Inspector Gill, tries to solve various crimes, many of which are related to the Mafia and other criminal organizations, and avoid seduction by the extremely well-endowed Angel. The comic and the television show featured several sorts of marine species as its characters, while the plots and dialogue were reminiscent of film noir.
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| - Fish Police, which was originally a comic book series by cartoonist Steven Moncuse, centered on law and crime in a fictional underwater metropolis. The hero, Inspector Gill, tries to solve various crimes, many of which are related to the Mafia and other criminal organizations, and avoid seduction by the extremely well-endowed Angel. The comic and the television show featured several sorts of marine species as its characters, while the plots and dialogue were reminiscent of film noir.
- Fish Police is an American animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and based on the comic book series created by Steve Moncuse. The series premiered on CBS in 1992, with a six episodes first season. From February 28th to March 13th, three episodes aired, but the show was then cancelled after poor television ratings. The remaining three episodes produced, have never been aired in the US. However in Europe the series was aired in its entirety. Fish Police was the last Hanna-Barbera series to premiere on CBS.
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| - Tim Curry
- Héctor Elizondo
- Jonathan Winters
- Edward Asner
- Buddy Hackett
- John Ritter
- Megan Mullally
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| - James Horner
- Steve Bramson
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| - Fish Police is an American animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and based on the comic book series created by Steve Moncuse. The series premiered on CBS in 1992, with a six episodes first season. From February 28th to March 13th, three episodes aired, but the show was then cancelled after poor television ratings. The remaining three episodes produced, have never been aired in the US. However in Europe the series was aired in its entirety. Fish Police was the last Hanna-Barbera series to premiere on CBS. The series later briefly aired on Cartoon Network in the mid-90's.
- Fish Police, which was originally a comic book series by cartoonist Steven Moncuse, centered on law and crime in a fictional underwater metropolis. The hero, Inspector Gill, tries to solve various crimes, many of which are related to the Mafia and other criminal organizations, and avoid seduction by the extremely well-endowed Angel. The comic and the television show featured several sorts of marine species as its characters, while the plots and dialogue were reminiscent of film noir.