| - The Age of Creation is a hypothetical term for the period of time when the xel'naga were active within the Milky Way galaxy, as distinct from the Age Before Creation. It is known for the following:
* According to ancient protoss texts, the xel'naga, an extra-galactic race obsessed with the seeding of life, arrive in the Milky Way galaxy tens of millions of years prior to the Great War, establishing their domain and seeding life on various worlds. Aiur is one such example, giving rise to the protoss.
* The Tal'darim separate themselves from their protoss kindred, and become followers of Amon.
* Around 200,000 BCE, modern humans arise on Earth, seemingly without any influence from the xel'naga. Millennia later, despite faulty and limited data on their history, the terrans of the
- The Age of Creation was an age that began with the start of reality, and ended as the first bits of recorded history started to emerge in the Age of Legends, but due to the superficial nature of this lore, was dubbed exaggerated until the First Era began, when reasonable records began to emerge.
| - The Age of Creation is a hypothetical term for the period of time when the xel'naga were active within the Milky Way galaxy, as distinct from the Age Before Creation. It is known for the following:
* According to ancient protoss texts, the xel'naga, an extra-galactic race obsessed with the seeding of life, arrive in the Milky Way galaxy tens of millions of years prior to the Great War, establishing their domain and seeding life on various worlds. Aiur is one such example, giving rise to the protoss.
* The Tal'darim separate themselves from their protoss kindred, and become followers of Amon.
* Around 200,000 BCE, modern humans arise on Earth, seemingly without any influence from the xel'naga. Millennia later, despite faulty and limited data on their history, the terrans of the Koprulu Sector possess information on this early period of human development.
* Obsessed with ending the Infinite Cycle, Amon and his followers break their long standing rule to not directly interfere with the development of life and manifest into the material universe, seeking to artificially create beings of purity of form and purity of essence to help them break the cycle.
* Frustrated with their failure to create a species with distinct purity of form, Amon's xel'naga turn their attention to Aiur. Pleased with the progress of its dominant species, Amon's xel'naga name them the protoss ("Firstborn") and commence observation which lasts hundreds of protoss generations.
* Amon's xel'naga subtlely guide their development for a millennium, leading them to the state of total sentience and awareness. Exhilarated, the xel'naga make themselves known to their creations.
* Protoss civilization spreads across Aiur within a few thousand years. However, as more emphasis is placed on individual achievement than communal advancement, the protoss begin to revert to tribalism. Distrust of the xel'naga begins to brew, and the protoss cut off their psychic link.
* Amon's xel'naga depart from Aiur, seeing the protoss as a failed creation. Disheartened at their departure, the protoss tribes turn on each other, each blaming their counterparts for their mentors’ departure. Thus begins the Aeon of Strife.
* The protoss having failed them, Amon's xel'naga head for the planet Zerus. Seeking to create a species with a distinct purity of essence, they begin developing the race of miniature insectoids known as the zerg. Attempting to waylay the potential hazards of competing egos, they create the Overmind -- a collected zerg sentience.
- The Age of Creation was an age that began with the start of reality, and ended as the first bits of recorded history started to emerge in the Age of Legends, but due to the superficial nature of this lore, was dubbed exaggerated until the First Era began, when reasonable records began to emerge. The Age of Creation is known for little else than being the first Age and, by far, the longest. Several tales exist of how the earth came into being, most of which involving the gods personally taking a hand in the creation of the world. They began to quarrel and fight between each other, and they created life to help them combat this. The strikes on the earth were where natural landmarks were created by the blows of their weapons. After all of the gods left behind the world, only the life they created remained, and it survived on into present day. No particularly important events happened during the Age of Creation from mortals -- besides, of course, their rise to civilization and their dominion over the earth, when they slowly pushed out the greater creations of the gods and became the forefront intelligence on Drakonius. This is not well-documented (if at all) in the Age of Creation, however, and it is only assumed as such.