* Blue Shadow Virus
* Brain
* Carbonite
* Dedlanite
* Farm
* The Force
* Force spirit
* Mind trick
* Freestanding subsectors (初言及)
* Fungus
* Gas giant
* Hyperspace
* Hyperwind storm
* Jungle
* Kyber crystal
* Limb
* Map to Luke Skywalker
* Marriage
* Medal of valor
* Montral
* Moon
* Mountain
* Music
* Opera
* Squid Lake
* Phantom energy
* Plant
* Jogan fruit
* Nysillin
* Tree
* Force-sensitive tree
* Wroshyr tree
* Podracing
* Project Harvester
* Rhydonium
* Sabacc
* Spice
* Standard year
* 0 ABY (0 ABYとしての最初の言及)
* 0 BBY (0 BBYとしての最初の言及)
* 3 ABY (3 ABYとしての最初の言及)
* 4 ABY (4 ABYとしての最初の言及)
* 4 BBY (
* Blue Shadow Virus
* Brain
* Carbonite
* Dedlanite
* Farm
* The Force
* Force spirit
* Mind trick
* Freestanding subsectors (初言及)
* Fungus
* Gas giant
* Hyperspace
* Hyperwind storm
* Jungle
* Kyber crystal
* Limb
* Map to Luke Skywalker
* Marriage
* Medal of valor
* Montral
* Moon
* Mountain
* Music
* Opera
* Squid Lake
* Phantom energy
* Plant
* Jogan fruit
* Nysillin
* Tree
* Force-sensitive tree
* Wroshyr tree
* Podracing
* Project Harvester
* Rhydonium
* Sabacc
* Spice
* Standard year
* 0 ABY (0 ABYとしての最初の言及)
* 0 BBY (0 BBYとしての最初の言及)
* 3 ABY (3 ABYとしての最初の言及)
* 4 ABY (4 ABYとしての最初の言及)
* 4 BBY (4 BBYとしての最初の言及)
* 5 BBY (5 BBYとしての最初の言及)
* 12 BBY (12 BBYとしての最初の言及)
* 14 BBY (14 BBYとしての最初の言及)
* 19 BBY (19 BBYとしての最初の言及)
* 20 BBY (20 BBYとしての最初の言及)
* 21 BBY (21 BBYとしての最初の言及)
* 22 BBY (22 BBYとしての最初の言及)
* 32 BBY (32 BBYとしての最初の言及)
* 34 ABY (34 ABYとしての最初の言及)
* Star
* Star system
* Swamp
* Tibanna
* Torture
* Volcano }} |出来事=*Antar Atrocity
* Boonta Eve Classic
* Clone Wars
* Battle for Anaxes (間接的に言及)
* Battle of Bothawui
* Battle of Christophsis
* Battle of Coruscant
* Battle of Dathomir
* Battle of Geonosis
* Battle of Kamino
* Battle of Kashyyyk
* Battle of Lola Sayu
* Battle of Malastare
* Battle of Mon Cala
* Battle of Onderon
* Battle of Ord Mantell
* Battle of Ringo Vinda (間接的に言及)
* Battle of the Rishi moon (間接的に言及)
* Battle of Ryloth
* Battle of Saleucami
* Battle of Sundari
* Battle of Teth
* Battle of Umbara
* Battle of Utapau
* Bombing of the Jedi Temple hangar
* Carida incident (間接的に言及)
* Defense of Maridun
* Devaron massacre
* Duel in Palpatine's office
* Invasion of Scipio
* Mandalorian black market conspiracy
* Mission to Bardotta
* Mission to Level 1325 (間接的に言及)
* Mission to Moraband
* Mission to Mortis
* Mission to Mustafar
* Mission to Rodia
* Mission to Serenno
* Mission to Skytop Station
* Republic strategy conference
* Second battle of Dathomir
* Second Battle of Geonosis
* Second mission to Rodia
* Skirmish at the Sundari docks
* Skirmish in Theed
* Takeover of Mandalore
* Zillo Beast incident
* Empire Day
* Festival of Light
* First Order?Resistance conflict
* Assault on Starkiller Base
* Battle on Takodana
* Escape from Jakku
* Hosnian Cataclysm
* Galactic Civil War
* Battle of Endor
* Battle of Hoth
* Battle of Jakku
* Battle of Yavin
* The Disaster
* Duel on Cloud City
* Operation: Cinder
* Rescue of Han Solo
* Royal Award Ceremony
* Secret mission to Geonosis
* Skirmish in the Temple of Eedit (間接的に言及)
* Theft of the Death Star plans
* Gorse conflict
* Invasion of Naboo
* Battle of Naboo
* Duel on Tatooine
* Jedi Purge
* Attack on the Jedi Temple
* Duel in the Galactic Senate
* Duel on Mustafar
* Mission to Mustafar
* Order 66
* Lothal insurgency
* Attack on Imperial Troop Transports (間接的に言及)
* Capture of Kanan Jarrus (間接的に言及)
* Heist in Capital City (間接的に言及)
* Mission to destroy a kyber crystal (間接的に言及)
* Rescue of Kanan Jarrus (間接的に言及)
* Siege of Lothal (間接的に言及)
* Trap in the Old Republic Senate Building
* Rebellion on Ryloth
* Mission to Ryloth
* Separatist Crisis
* Plot to assassinate Padme Amidala
* Wedding of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala
* Mission to Kamino
* Mission to rescue Shmi Skywalker Lars
* War on Quarzite (初言及)
* Wookiee revolt