| - Space Mutiny is a 1988 direct-to-video entry in the Battlestar Galactica franchise directed by David Winters. It follows the Battlestar Southern Sun (under the command of Captain Santa Claus) and the thwarting of an attempted mutiny by Commander Calgon by ace Viper pilot Buff Hardpack.
- Space Mutiny (also known as Mutiny in Space) is a 1988 legendarily bad science-fiction action film starring Reb Brown about, surprisingly enough, a mutiny aboard the spaceship known as the Southern Sun. Space Mutiny was filmed in South Africa during The Apartheid Era (a fact understandably not mentioned on the end credits - see also Prisoners of the Lost Universe, Golden Rendezvous, Hellgate etc), which some viewers think ties in to all the pseudo-fascistic goings-on (and explains the all-white cast, not that that was exactly unusual in Hollywood action movies of the time).
| - Space Mutiny is a 1988 direct-to-video entry in the Battlestar Galactica franchise directed by David Winters. It follows the Battlestar Southern Sun (under the command of Captain Santa Claus) and the thwarting of an attempted mutiny by Commander Calgon by ace Viper pilot Buff Hardpack. Space Mutiny influenced Ronald D. Moore's reimagining of Battlestar Galactica in a variety of ways—regardless of whether or not Moore ever actually watched it—including the captain's conflicted attitude toward his child, the hotshot pilot who has trouble with interpersonal relationships, and the traitor hiding among the crew. There's no Cylons, though.
- Space Mutiny (also known as Mutiny in Space) is a 1988 legendarily bad science-fiction action film starring Reb Brown about, surprisingly enough, a mutiny aboard the spaceship known as the Southern Sun. The Southern Sun is a seedship, a spacefaring vessel full of colonists out to settle a new world. Its voyage has lasted generations, so many of its inhabitants have been born and will die without ever setting foot on solid ground. This does not please the antagonist, Elijah Kalgan (not be confused with Calgon), who conspires with the pirates infesting the nearby Corona Borealis system and the ship's Chief Engineer MacPhearson. Kalgan hatches a plot to disrupt the Southern Sun's navigation systems and use the Enforcers, the ship's police force, to hijack the ship and direct it towards this system. At this point, the inhabitants of the Southern Sun will have no choice but to accept his 'generosity'. Kalgan sabotages the vessel's guidance system just as an important professor's shuttle is on a landing trajectory, causing it to crash (offscreen). The ship's pilot, Dave Ryder, is able to escape, but the professor dies in the explosion. This sabotage seals off the flight deck for a number of weeks, allowing Kalgan and the Enforcers to hold the entire population of the Southern Sun hostage. Commander Jansen and Captain Devers enlist Ryder's assistance, aided begrudgingly by Jansen's daughter Dr. Lea Jansen, to regain control of the ship. Space Mutiny was filmed in South Africa during The Apartheid Era (a fact understandably not mentioned on the end credits - see also Prisoners of the Lost Universe, Golden Rendezvous, Hellgate etc), which some viewers think ties in to all the pseudo-fascistic goings-on (and explains the all-white cast, not that that was exactly unusual in Hollywood action movies of the time). For the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, please go to the episode recap page.