| - Starbase 7 is the only starbase in the Andor sector, located at a class K planet which orbits the white dwarf star CJ-884. The base has a planetary outpost as well as space station facilities, which included a free-floating orbital space station, as well as a space station that existed incorporated into the surface of an asteroid. Starbase 7 is the closest starbase to Andoria and is the official headquarters of the Starfleet 7th Fleet. It is also very close to the star systems Ejul Thelni and Alpha Centauri. Starbase 7 serves as a supply base for ships patrolling the Romulan Star Empire' border. (TOS novel: Crisis on Centaurus; Last Unicorn RPG module: The Andorians: Among the Clans)
- Built in the 2150s (TOS novel: Crisis on Centaurus), the base was located near Sol and 61 Cygni. (Orion Press: "Scotty's Vacation") In 2259, USS Dauntless underwent repairs at Starbase 7. At this time, Commander Hallie Gannon became the Dauntless's new executive officer. (Star Trek: Vanguard novel: Declassified: "The Ruins of Noble Men") Commodore Rolf Emerson was in command in the 2260s and 2270s. (Star Trek: The Intrepid Adventures) Per "Aftermath", Starbases 7 and 29 are a day's travel apart, presumably at about warp factor 6 or 7.
| - Starbase 7 is the only starbase in the Andor sector, located at a class K planet which orbits the white dwarf star CJ-884. The base has a planetary outpost as well as space station facilities, which included a free-floating orbital space station, as well as a space station that existed incorporated into the surface of an asteroid. Starbase 7 is the closest starbase to Andoria and is the official headquarters of the Starfleet 7th Fleet. It is also very close to the star systems Ejul Thelni and Alpha Centauri. Starbase 7 serves as a supply base for ships patrolling the Romulan Star Empire' border. (TOS novel: Crisis on Centaurus; Last Unicorn RPG module: The Andorians: Among the Clans) This base was designated as the headquarters for Starfleet Intelligence's intelligence sector 1, with an activities unit monitoring internal affairs. Bases that were under the command of Starbase 7's intelligence staff included those located at Alpha Centauri, Andor, Bardex III, Cerberus, Dadax, Darius III, Edos, Hurlin, Izar, Kadacohr, Koromond, MAO III, Maximilian, Tellar and Earth, as well as stations at Starbase 1, Starbase 4, Starbase 5, Starbase 6, Starbase 8, Starbase 16 and Starbase 24. Starbase 7 was the control base of Interstellar Import-Export, a Starfleet Intelligence front organization based in Flaxis on Alpha Centauri VII. This base also was the home assignment of the 23rd century's Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Dexter O. Armbruster. (FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual) Starbase 7 was the home of a Federation Embassy, where the Federation Diplomatic Corps could organize their activities in the vicinity. (TOS novel: Death's Angel)
- Built in the 2150s (TOS novel: Crisis on Centaurus), the base was located near Sol and 61 Cygni. (Orion Press: "Scotty's Vacation") In 2259, USS Dauntless underwent repairs at Starbase 7. At this time, Commander Hallie Gannon became the Dauntless's new executive officer. (Star Trek: Vanguard novel: Declassified: "The Ruins of Noble Men") Commodore Rolf Emerson was in command in the 2260s and 2270s. (Star Trek: The Intrepid Adventures) Barbara Devereaux transferred to Starbase 7 in 2269 so she could potentially give adoptive children, orphans of the atttempted coup d'état of Yogyakarta Baru, a stable home life they would not have had if she'd remained on a starship. (Star Trek: Shadowstar Station/Star Trek: Avenger: Time, See What's Become of Me) Following the attack by an energy creature on Starbase 29 in 2294, the Starfleet Seventh Fleet was relocated to the "inner" Federation, with Starbase 7 becoming the Seventh's new command base. Commodore Threll A'von, an Andorian, was the base's commanding officer. (Star Trek: Avenger: "Aftermath", "The Road Goes Ever On", "Back in the Saddle Again") Per "Aftermath", Starbases 7 and 29 are a day's travel apart, presumably at about warp factor 6 or 7. Starbase 7 was also the command base for the Seventh Fleet in the 2370s. (Star Trek: Challenger Chronicles)