| - Speros hails from the region of Hăzăk on Cardassia Prime, and as such has beige-tinted skin and the distinct ridging pattern of the Hăzăkda ethnic minority. His hair has also greyed with age, giving him an air of seniority that is highly respected in Cardassian society. Gul Speros has the reputation of "creating" guls. He takes a great interest in bringing out the command potential of the glinns who serve under him, and several have gone on to become guls in their own right--one of them being Akellen Macet; his first officer, Glinn Bezerok Hatel, also became an acting commander, in his case of the rebel ship Zerayd. One or two of Speros' proteges have even become legates. Though he shows little of it, Speros is deeply proud of the success of those who leave his vessel to go on to greater things. Speros, however, is very unlikely to ever become a legate himself; even Speros himself believes his cantankerous nature means he has probably ruffled far too many feathers among the Cardassian Guard elite. Speros is a staunch traditionalist; though he has stretched himself to become a member of the Thirteenth Order, to actively rebel and to accept Starfleet assistance in the process because he believes that the leaders of the Cardassian Union that formed the Dominion alliance have broken with true Cardassian tradition, there are certain lines he flatly refuses to cross. Only grudgingly--and because the man proposing the idea was Thouves Daro--did he accept the idea to name a ship the Order commandeered after fallen Starfleet ensign Ngaer. And he completely refused to allow the Starfleet officers to look upon the bodies of the Cardassian fallen, necessitating a memorial service where no remains were present. (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--The Thirteenth Order)