| - Sokar was an Egyptian priest who tried to use Ishtar's Mummy to seize the Egyptian throne. His plan was to kill Rameses III and marry his daughter Anuket to become pharaoh. In the end, his plan backfired and his soul was "eaten" by the Mummy.
- Sokar was a powerful Goa'uld System Lord, also well known for his cruel and sadistic nature.
- Sokar var en kraftfull Goa'uld Systemherre, även känd för sina grymma och sadistiska natur.
- Sokar, also Seker, is a god associated with tombs and mummification workers. His area of origin and speciality linked him to Ptah, whom he later merged with (as Ptah-Sokar). This god was later merged with Osiris (as Ptah-Sokar-Osiris).
- Sokar era un poderoso Goa'uld Señor sistema conocido por su carácter cruel y sádico.
- Sokar était un Grand Maître Goa'uld qui régna notamment sur Delmak.
- Sokar was a powerful Goa'uld System Lord known for his cruel and sadistic nature.
- Sokar was a Vulcan who served in Starfleet during the late 24th and early 25th centuries. He served as Captain of the USS Nautilus. (Star Trek Online: Valkyries)
- Sokar(ソカルSokaru) is one of the Nine Eternal Divine Scales and a Crimson Lord serving under Töten Glocke.
- Sokar era tra i più potenti Goa'uld, esiliato dagli altri Signori del Sistema. Scelse di impersonare il dio della morte in diversi mondi, sulla Terra prese la forma di Satana, l'angelo caduto. Si dice che migliaia d’anni fa, quando i Goa'uld occuparono la Terra Sokar avesse un Unas come ospite.Il suo pianeta è Delmak, e ha terraformato la vicina luna Ne'tu per ricreare il mito dell'inferno, esponendo il suo nucleo fuso per rendere la sua atmosfera calda e chimicamente tossica. Su Ne'tu, Sokar imprigionava i suoi nemici, e ascoltava con grande piacere i racconti delle torture e sofferenze inflitte da Bynarr, la guardia della prigione.Prima di morire, Sokar aveva radunato un immenso esercito per sferrare un attacco simultaneo a diversi Goa'uld: secondo i Tok'ra, avrebbe probabilmente vinto,