| - Albert Herbert Fonzarelli (AKA Fonzie or The Fonz) is a character from Happy Days. Peter sees him as a God.
- An American Television Hero in the 1970's-1980's. Supposedly he used to be cool, but was never able to reach the levels of coolness as Stephen Colbert. Ever. Didn't even come close. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- Not much is known about Fonzie's family. He says in an episode that his father left when he was 12 years old. In the episode "The Cunningham Caper" he mentions that his mother used to sprinkle crushed asprin on his linguini when he wasn't feeling well. In another episode he also mentioned that when he needed his tonsils out, she lied and told him they were going to the parade, but he "broke her down" and got her to confess on the way to the hospital. He has a nephew named Raymond (Or Spike, as his friends call him) who appeared in the episode "Not with my sister, You don't!" in which he went on a date with Joanie Cunningham. He has a cousin named Chachi (played by Scott Baio) who dated and later married Joanie. In a later episode Fonie's half- brother, covieniently named Arthur (Artie), co
- Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli (also known as Fonzie, The Fonz, or Fonz) is a fictional character played by Henry Winkler in the American sitcom Happy Days that ran from 1974–1984. He was originally a secondary character, but eventually became the lead. By the mid 1970s, he dwarfed the other characters in popularity. In "The Son Also Draws", The Fonz was Peter Griffin's spiritual guide while lost in the forest with his son Chris. He told Peter that he should start paying attention to Chris more and accept his drawing abilities. Peter says he is one of his son Chris's friends in "April in Quahog".
| - Albert Herbert Fonzarelli (AKA Fonzie or The Fonz) is a character from Happy Days. Peter sees him as a God.
- Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli (also known as Fonzie, The Fonz, or Fonz) is a fictional character played by Henry Winkler in the American sitcom Happy Days that ran from 1974–1984. He was originally a secondary character, but eventually became the lead. By the mid 1970s, he dwarfed the other characters in popularity. In "The Son Also Draws", The Fonz was Peter Griffin's spiritual guide while lost in the forest with his son Chris. He told Peter that he should start paying attention to Chris more and accept his drawing abilities. Later, in "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Fonz", Peter goes on a quest to find his religion. After experimenting in main religions, his father Francis tells him to look into his heart, and that results in the creation of Fonzism, a religion devoted to Fonzie. Peter converts his shed into The First United Church of the Fonz. While successful at first, Sherman Hemsley comes to convert people to a religion devoted to George Jefferson, and Kirk Cameron converts the rest back to Christianity. Although Fonzism is disbanded, Francis is shown praying to the Fonz at the very end of the episode. Peter says he is one of his son Chris's friends in "April in Quahog".
- An American Television Hero in the 1970's-1980's. Supposedly he used to be cool, but was never able to reach the levels of coolness as Stephen Colbert. Ever. Didn't even come close. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- Not much is known about Fonzie's family. He says in an episode that his father left when he was 12 years old. In the episode "The Cunningham Caper" he mentions that his mother used to sprinkle crushed asprin on his linguini when he wasn't feeling well. In another episode he also mentioned that when he needed his tonsils out, she lied and told him they were going to the parade, but he "broke her down" and got her to confess on the way to the hospital. He has a nephew named Raymond (Or Spike, as his friends call him) who appeared in the episode "Not with my sister, You don't!" in which he went on a date with Joanie Cunningham. He has a cousin named Chachi (played by Scott Baio) who dated and later married Joanie. In a later episode Fonie's half- brother, covieniently named Arthur (Artie), comes to see the Fonz to tell him their father died. His father left him a pocket watch, that incedentaly doesn't work. REPUTATION Throughout the series, Fonzie is basically the sterotypical "cool guy" of the fifties. And while he works to maintain his reputation as the tough, high school dropout, he is also a loyal friend and devoted to the idea of family, but only those closest to him really get to see this side of him. A notable example of this is in the 1974 episode "Kiss Me Sickly," in which Fonzie asks Richie to keep an eye on his girl for him while he goes away to help out with a demolition derby. When he returns home, Richie confesses that he had been taking Fonzie's girl up to inspiration point and made out with her. However, Fonzie doesn't want to hurt Richie since he had gotten with another girl at the derby, but he also wants to protect his reputation. While they are standing in his "office" (the men's bathroom at Arnold's) trying to decide what to do, someone walks in and hits Richie in the face with the door. They allow everyone to believe that the resulting bruise was caused by a hit from him, allowing his reputation and their friendship to both remain intact. he also done something that no tv show had ever done before... He jumped the shark. He was on the back of richies's boat and there was a ramp set up and richie went full speed he went over a live shark.