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“In the late 1960s and early 1970s, AT&T developed UNIX, a computer operating system facilitating communications over the Internet.

  • Unix
  • Unix
  • Unix
  • Unix
  • UNIX
  • UNIX
  • UNIX
  • Unix
  • Unix
  • “In the late 1960s and early 1970s, AT&T developed UNIX, a computer operating system facilitating communications over the Internet.
  • Unix is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 when Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and others started working on the "little-used PDP-7 in a corner" at Bell Labs/AT&T by the early 70s it became public and the success of the UNIX operating system led to many different versions. It was quite common on servers, where some of it's descendants, such as Solaris, still have a share. It has been supplanted in many situations by Linux and BSD-based operating systems.
  • Unix is an operating system that has been around for a long time. The most popular Unix clone is Linux.
  • Unix (officially trademarked as UNIX, sometimes also written as Unix with small caps) is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna. Today the term "Unix" is commonly used to describe any operating system that conforms to Unix standards, meaning the core operating system operates similarly to the original Unix operating system. Today's Unix systems are split into various branches, developed over time by AT&T as well as various commercial vendors and non-profit organizations.
  • Unix woo-hoo - first wikia page
  • Unix is an operating system (OS) originally developed in 1969. It has traditionally been known as a server OS, but has now been made popular as a desktop OS by Linux and Mac OSX.
  • Da Wikipedia [1], l'enciclopedia libera. UNIX è un sistema operativo portabile per computer inizialmente sviluppato da un gruppo di ricerca dei laboratori AT&T e Bell Labs, fra i quali c'erano inizialmente anche Ken Thompson e Dennis Ritchie.
  • Unix (Uniwersalny, Nowiutki, Internetowy, Cytrusowy) – właściwie jedyny system operacyjny, zgodny z tym co o systemach operacyjnych mówią wykładowcy na uczelniach. Podstawową zaletą Uniksa jest to, że można obejść się na nim zupełnie bez myszy, każdy rozkaz wstukując na klawiaturze (zob. Shellscript).
  • Historically, Unix was a piece of software designed to mimic the behavior a genuine operating system. It was originally released by Bell Laboratories.Unix took on different appearances and eventually settling in the form of open-sourced projects.
  • Unix started in the late 1960s at AT&T, but really took off in the 1990s when Linus Torvalds release his first Linux kernel. That with BSD (from Berkeley Software Distribution) which had become popular at universities are the most common. The modern Unix is generally graphical (X or X11 based) much like Windows with many of the same features. It will generally read/write and run Windows and DOS programs as well.
  • UNIX (UNItra eXtreme operating system) - system operacyjny dla komputerów, opracowany oczywiście przez Unitrę.
  • Είναι ένα Λειτουργικό Σύστημα Υπολογιστή.
  • UNIX es un sistem de opera multi taxente e multi usores per computadores, developada inisial par la laborerias de AT&T e Bell Labs en 1970 de Ken Thompson und Dennis Ritchie e otras. En la anios seguente, multe clones (plu o min conveninte) de esta sistem de opera ia apare. Aora la terma Unix (con leteras poca per destingui el de UNIX, la marca ofisial) teni un colie grande de sistemes de opera. Alga de la sistemas (como Linux e FreeBSD tu pote prende e usa libre.
  • След близо четири десетилетия на употреба, UNIX операционната система създадена от лабораториите Бел все още се смята за една от най-мощните и гъвкави ОС (операционни системи) в компютърния свят. Популярността й се дължи на редица фактори, включващи възможността й да върви на различни машини, от микрокомпютри до суперкомпютри, както и лесното й адаптиране от различни производители. Както други легендарни създания, чиито имена завършват на "x," UNIX се ражда изпод руините на опита в ранните 60 години на 20 век за създаване на стабилна и сигурна операционна система с времеделение.
  • right|thumb|200px|Генеалогическое древо UNIX-систем. UNIX (TM, читается ю́никс) — группа переносимых, многозадачных и многопользовательских операционных систем. Первая система UNIX была разработана в конце 1960-х — начале 1970-х годов в подразделении Bell Labs компании AT&T. С тех пор было создано большое количество различных UNIX-систем. Юридически лишь некоторые из них имеют полное право называться «UNIX»; остальные же, хотя и используют сходные концепции и технологии, объединяются термином «UNIX-подобные» (англ. Unix-like). Для краткости в данной статье под UNIX-системами подразумеваются как истинные UNIX, так и UNIX-подобные ОС.
  • Unix is the operating system of legend which has enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with NetHack. Its equally legendary text editor, vi, is the source of the [yuhjklbn] control system. When playing on a Unix-compatible system, eating an apple gives the message "Core dumped.", an in-joke for Unix debuggers. Although NetHack's "hack" refers to "hack 'n' slash", it nevertheless uses hacker lore as a spiritual source, growing from the same sensibilities that link Unix-culture, programming-culture, and general geek-culture.
  • UNIX® or Unix is a family of multi-task and multi-user operating systems that feature a portable, compatible command line and C program support. Unix has diverged into several Unix operating systems and Unix clones, but they have since converged around the Single Unix Specification. Unix is what beats deep within Mac OS X. The Mac OS X Terminal application is the Unix command line. Many Unix programs are open source and run equally well on Mac OS X, BSD, GNU/Linux, Solaris, and other Unix. You can find some in the UNIX & Open Source section of Apple's website or by running Fink or MacPorts.
  • Unix (officially trademarked as UNIX, sometimes also written as Unix with small caps) is a "open-source" computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna. Today's Unix systems are split into various branches, developed over time by AT&T as well as various commercial vendors and non-profit organizations.
  • “In the late 1960s and early 1970s, AT&T developed UNIX, a computer operating system facilitating communications over the Internet.
  • Unix is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 when Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and others started working on the "little-used PDP-7 in a corner" at Bell Labs/AT&T by the early 70s it became public and the success of the UNIX operating system led to many different versions. It was quite common on servers, where some of it's descendants, such as Solaris, still have a share. It has been supplanted in many situations by Linux and BSD-based operating systems.
  • Unix is an operating system that has been around for a long time. The most popular Unix clone is Linux.
  • Unix (officially trademarked as UNIX, sometimes also written as Unix with small caps) is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna. Today the term "Unix" is commonly used to describe any operating system that conforms to Unix standards, meaning the core operating system operates similarly to the original Unix operating system. Today's Unix systems are split into various branches, developed over time by AT&T as well as various commercial vendors and non-profit organizations.
  • Unix woo-hoo - first wikia page
  • Unix is an operating system (OS) originally developed in 1969. It has traditionally been known as a server OS, but has now been made popular as a desktop OS by Linux and Mac OSX.
  • right|thumb|200px|Генеалогическое древо UNIX-систем. UNIX (TM, читается ю́никс) — группа переносимых, многозадачных и многопользовательских операционных систем. Первая система UNIX была разработана в конце 1960-х — начале 1970-х годов в подразделении Bell Labs компании AT&T. С тех пор было создано большое количество различных UNIX-систем. Юридически лишь некоторые из них имеют полное право называться «UNIX»; остальные же, хотя и используют сходные концепции и технологии, объединяются термином «UNIX-подобные» (англ. Unix-like). Для краткости в данной статье под UNIX-системами подразумеваются как истинные UNIX, так и UNIX-подобные ОС. Некоторые отличительные признаки UNIX-систем включают в себя: * использование простых текстовых файлов для настройки и управления системой; * широкое применение командной строки; * представление устройств и некоторых средств межпроцессного взаимодействия как файлов; * использование конвейеров из нескольких программ, каждая из которых выполняет одну задачу. В настоящее время UNIX используются в основном на серверах, а также как встроенные системы для различного оборудования. На рынке ОС для рабочих станций и домашнего применения UNIX уступили другим операционным системам, в первую очередь Microsoft Windows. UNIX-системы имеют большую историческую важность, поскольку благодаря им распространились некоторые популярные сегодня концепции и подходы в области ОС и программного обеспечения.
  • След близо четири десетилетия на употреба, UNIX операционната система създадена от лабораториите Бел все още се смята за една от най-мощните и гъвкави ОС (операционни системи) в компютърния свят. Популярността й се дължи на редица фактори, включващи възможността й да върви на различни машини, от микрокомпютри до суперкомпютри, както и лесното й адаптиране от различни производители. Както други легендарни създания, чиито имена завършват на "x," UNIX се ражда изпод руините на опита в ранните 60 години на 20 век за създаване на стабилна и сигурна операционна система с времеделение. Взаимните усилия за създаване на такава операционна система завършили с неуспех, но "оцелелите" от лабораториите Бел опитали отново, и това, което било създадено, било ОС, която предлагала на ползвателите си среда характеризираща се с "необичайна простота, мощност, и елегантност..." Създаванeто на системата наложило и един нов подход в софтуeрния дизайн - решаването на проблема чрез използване на взаимодействащи си по-прости програмки, отколкото създаването на големи монолитни програми. Развитието и еволюцията на тази система довели до една нова философия в компютърния свят, която станала безкраен извор на вдъхновение и радост от страна на програмистите по целия свят.
  • Da Wikipedia [1], l'enciclopedia libera. UNIX è un sistema operativo portabile per computer inizialmente sviluppato da un gruppo di ricerca dei laboratori AT&T e Bell Labs, fra i quali c'erano inizialmente anche Ken Thompson e Dennis Ritchie.
  • Unix (officially trademarked as UNIX, sometimes also written as Unix with small caps) is a "open-source" computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna. Today's Unix systems are split into various branches, developed over time by AT&T as well as various commercial vendors and non-profit organizations. The Open Group, an industry standards consortium, owns the “Unix” trademark. Only systems fully compliant with and certified according to the Single UNIX Specification are qualified to use the trademark; others may be called "Unix system-like" or "Unix-like" (though the Open Group disapproves of this term). However, the term "Unix" is often used informally to denote any operating system that closely resembles the trademarked system. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, the influence of Unix in academic circles led to large-scale adoption of Unix (particularly of the BSD variant, originating from the University of California, Berkeley) by commercial start-ups. Today, in addition to certified Unix systems such as those already mentioned, Unix-like operating systems such as Linux and BSD descendants are commonly encountered. The term "traditional Unix" may be used to describe a Unix or an operating system that has the characteristics of either Version 7 Unix or UNIX System V.
  • Unix (Uniwersalny, Nowiutki, Internetowy, Cytrusowy) – właściwie jedyny system operacyjny, zgodny z tym co o systemach operacyjnych mówią wykładowcy na uczelniach. Podstawową zaletą Uniksa jest to, że można obejść się na nim zupełnie bez myszy, każdy rozkaz wstukując na klawiaturze (zob. Shellscript).
  • UNIX es un sistem de opera multi taxente e multi usores per computadores, developada inisial par la laborerias de AT&T e Bell Labs en 1970 de Ken Thompson und Dennis Ritchie e otras. En la anios seguente, multe clones (plu o min conveninte) de esta sistem de opera ia apare. Aora la terma Unix (con leteras poca per destingui el de UNIX, la marca ofisial) teni un colie grande de sistemes de opera. Alga de la sistemas (como Linux e FreeBSD tu pote prende e usa libre. * AIX * Darwin * FreeBSD * HP-UX * Irix * Linux * MacOS X * Minix * NetBSD * OpenBSD * PcBSD * SCO * Sinix * Solaris * Ultrics * Unixware * Xenix
  • Historically, Unix was a piece of software designed to mimic the behavior a genuine operating system. It was originally released by Bell Laboratories.Unix took on different appearances and eventually settling in the form of open-sourced projects.
  • Unix is the operating system of legend which has enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with NetHack. Its equally legendary text editor, vi, is the source of the [yuhjklbn] control system. When playing on a Unix-compatible system, eating an apple gives the message "Core dumped.", an in-joke for Unix debuggers. Although NetHack's "hack" refers to "hack 'n' slash", it nevertheless uses hacker lore as a spiritual source, growing from the same sensibilities that link Unix-culture, programming-culture, and general geek-culture. NetHack is considered by some sysops to be part of the standard suite of tools for any Unix site worth its salt. Although many platforms are now officially supported, there are those who feel that a well-administered multiuser Unix system is NetHack's platform of choice.
  • Unix started in the late 1960s at AT&T, but really took off in the 1990s when Linus Torvalds release his first Linux kernel. That with BSD (from Berkeley Software Distribution) which had become popular at universities are the most common. The modern Unix is generally graphical (X or X11 based) much like Windows with many of the same features. It will generally read/write and run Windows and DOS programs as well.
  • UNIX® or Unix is a family of multi-task and multi-user operating systems that feature a portable, compatible command line and C program support. Unix has diverged into several Unix operating systems and Unix clones, but they have since converged around the Single Unix Specification. Unix is what beats deep within Mac OS X. The Mac OS X Terminal application is the Unix command line. Many Unix programs are open source and run equally well on Mac OS X, BSD, GNU/Linux, Solaris, and other Unix. You can find some in the UNIX & Open Source section of Apple's website or by running Fink or MacPorts. __TOC__
  • UNIX (UNItra eXtreme operating system) - system operacyjny dla komputerów, opracowany oczywiście przez Unitrę.
  • Είναι ένα Λειτουργικό Σύστημα Υπολογιστή.
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