| - |-| Countries of Genkar= |-| Countries of Arnin~Hol= |-| Countries of Terrasolis=
- This is a list of all Characters from each continent.
- Main Continents of Drellia
* Deroxel
* Fallania
* Luoria
* Snarun Smaller Islands
* Bessoler
* Equinox Island
* Iotia
* Rocaler
* Solstice Island
- Continents are the biggest land masses on the planet, surrounded by the oceans. There are six of them. (Seven if you count Europe and Asia as two different continents, which really they aren't if you think about it.) One could say there are only five continents (North and South America (Two), Europe, Asia, and Africa (Two), Australia (Three), and Antarctica (Four!!!)
- Antonica (once called Tunaria) is Norrath's largest continent and home to many of her proudest races and greatest cities. In the far northwest region of the continent, the savage Barbarians rule over the Everfrost Peaks and work to keep the ice giants and the goblins of Lady Vox 's Permafrost Keep at bay. In the valley formed between Everfrost and the Serpent Spine Mountains , the Drakkin claimed the old Ogre city of Nokk and renamed it Crescent Reach . Far to the north of Crescent Reach sits the ancient giant city, Valdeholm , and its cursed crypts. Further to the east, in the far northeast corner of the continent, the Broodlands of the Claws of Veeshan sits nestled among the Lavastorm Mountains . South of Lavastorm, on the eastern coast, the Dark Elf city of Neriak prospers, and the