To start a rumble instance, you must have at least 2,000 coins (normal mode) or 6,000 (hard). A minimum of five quests is required to activate a "dream" in Nightmare Zone. When starting a rumble, the bosses in the fight will be based on what the whole group can access. For example, if a player has completed every quest but a group member has completed only Lost City, Monkey Madness I, Witch's House, Haunted Mine and Tree Gnome Village, only the bosses from those five quests will be fought. The following quests are strongly recommended:
Attributes | Values |
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| - Nightmare Zone/Strategies
| - To start a rumble instance, you must have at least 2,000 coins (normal mode) or 6,000 (hard). A minimum of five quests is required to activate a "dream" in Nightmare Zone. When starting a rumble, the bosses in the fight will be based on what the whole group can access. For example, if a player has completed every quest but a group member has completed only Lost City, Monkey Madness I, Witch's House, Haunted Mine and Tree Gnome Village, only the bosses from those five quests will be fought. The following quests are strongly recommended:
| |
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| - Broad bolts 5.png
- Unholy blessing.png
| |
| |
| |
| |
| - Blowpipe setup
- Chinning setup
- Magic Setup
| - Eternal boots.png
- Pegasian boots.png
| - Toxic blowpipe.png
- Black chinchompa.png
- Kodai wand.png
| - Tormented bracelet
- Barrows gloves
- Void knight gloves
| - Archers' ring
- Seers' ring
| - Arcane spirit shield.png
- Twisted buckler.png
| - Occult necklace.png
- Necklace of anguish.png
| - Ancestral robe top.png
- Armadyl chestplate.png
- Elite void top.png
| - Ava's accumulator
- God cape
| - Ancestral robe bottom.png
- Armadyl chainskirt.png
- Elite void robe.png
| - Ancestral robe top
- Armadyl chestplate
- Elite void top
| - Armadyl helmet
- Ancestral hat
- Void ranger helm
| - Arcane spirit shield
- Twisted buckler
| - Ava's accumulator.png
- Saradomin cape.png
| - Seers ring .png
- Archers ring .png
| - Ancestral hat.png
- Armadyl helmet.png
- Void ranger helm.png
| - Eternal boots
- Pegasian boots
| - Ancestral robe bottom
- Armadyl chainskirt
- Elite void robe
| - Toxic blowpipe
- Black chinchompa
- Kodai wand
| - Occult necklace
- Necklace of anguish
| - Tormented bracelet.png
- Barrows gloves.png
- Void knight gloves.png
| - To start a rumble instance, you must have at least 2,000 coins (normal mode) or 6,000 (hard). A minimum of five quests is required to activate a "dream" in Nightmare Zone. When starting a rumble, the bosses in the fight will be based on what the whole group can access. For example, if a player has completed every quest but a group member has completed only Lost City, Monkey Madness I, Witch's House, Haunted Mine and Tree Gnome Village, only the bosses from those five quests will be fought. The following quests are strongly recommended: If you have completed any of the other quests, you may opt to instead pay 22,000 coins (for Normal) or 26,000 coins (for Hard) to Dominic Onion for a Customizable Rumble. You will be able to enable or disable any bosses you have unlocked with the requirement that you may not begin until the bosses from at least 5 quests are enabled. Despite having multiple boss encounters, quests such as Desert Treasure, Recipe for Disaster, and Dream Mentor count for only 1 of the 5 mandatory minimum quests to begin. Selecting any boss from a quest featuring multiple bosses will toggle ALL of that quest's bosses on or off simultaneously. The most common quests taken for melee are Mountain Daughter (MTD) or The Grand Tree (Black demon), where the five quests are as follows: Lost City, Tree Gnome Village, Vampire Slayer, Fight Arena and then either Mountain Daughter or The Grand Tree. MTD gives more experience an hour whilst Demon is better for points. If you have done Lunar Diplomacy, you may fight Me. Since a recent update it is no longer necessary to pay a booster; players can now customize their rumbles. A normal rumble costs 22,000 coins while a hard rumble costs 26,000. This can be very helpful for the player if they do not want to use other methods listed above, although you should be wary that the less bosses you select in the rumble, you will get reduced points. Adding more bosses increases the amount of points given per boss. A session with 5 bosses gives 28.5% of a boss's maximum points while 10 bosses gives 32.5%. Count Draynor gives 1822 points with 5 bosses and 2083 points with 10 bosses. The main strategy entails playing Nightmare Zone on Hard Rumble mode and killing the bosses from said quests. Players can adopt one of the following methods to gain points and combat experience very effectively. Note: Avoid using the Ultimate Force power-up as it obliterates every boss in the room without yielding any points or XP. If you want to maximize experience rates, only grab the power surge as it will restore special attack quickly. The bonus damages done by Zapper and Recurrent damage do not give any experience and is just a way to kill the bosses faster for points. Note 2: Although it is true that Zapper and Recurrent Damage do not give additional experience, activating these power-ups is unlikely to impact experience rates unless the user is killing enemies faster than they spawn. Therefore, activating all power-ups except Ultimate Force is recommended for more points. Also of note is the fact that Dad, and Ice Troll King provide an increase of experience varying from 7.5% to 15%. This is especially useful if using Dharok's Set and Absorption potions as you can maximise DPS and minimise DPS taken.