| - Lilly: “Yeah? Well quit being sentimental and get your battle over with already!” Ryan: “Olympia, I’m Ryan McCrimmon, and I've come for a battle!” Quilladin: “Quil!” Delphox: “Del!” Olympia: Ah hello there. Olympia: So you’re back. To watch Ryan I guess. Jon: Yep. He wants me to see how far he has come. But I haven’t told him how difficult this battle will be as it’s better to see it first hand. Olympia: Shall we get started? Jon: This will be a test for Ryan. Maria: After your battle two days ago with her, we know how difficult it is. Charlene: This battle is a double battle. When either sides Pokemon are unable to battle, the match is over. No substitutions. Pokedex: “Meowstic, the Psychic Type Constraint Pokemon, and the evolved form of Espurr. When in danger, Meowstic raise their ears and release enough psychic power to grind a 10-ton truck into dust. Meowstic must keep the eyeball patterns on the inside of their ears covered as they’re the source of their psychic power, which can get extremely dangerous.” Ryan: “No kidding. Alright then, I’ve made my choice!” Vivillon: “Viv!” Ryan: “Alright, let’s do this!” Olympia: Helping Hand and Future Sight. Anthony: Going with Delphox and Vivillon is a good idea. Kyle: Maybe. Jon: I can see Ryan uses Delphox too much in battle. Maria: What’s wrong with that? Jon: Delphox may think she needs to overperform, and considering Ryan and Delphox have the same bond Typhlosion and I have, it puts a strain on his Ryan-Delphox form. Anthony: How do you know? Kyle: It’s happened to Jon too. Olympia: What are you going to do Ryan? Ryan: “Vivillon, Poison Powder!” Olympia: Use Assist and Dark Pulse! Ryan: “Dodge!” Ryan: “Supersonic and ‘Secret Weapon’, now!” Olympia: Psyshock and Light Screen! Ryan (Thinking): “DANG IT! I repeated the same mistake I made back when I battled Grant! Now I’m stuck with two Pokemon that, while I know can hold their own, won’t even stand a sliver of a chance against the Meowstic!” Ryan: “Delphox, use Scratch on both Meowstic!” Olympia: Helping Hand and Future Sight. Olympia: Now, dual Psyshock! Ryan: “Psybeam!” Delphox fires Psybeam as Psyshock gets closer. Both attacks collide, resulting in a massive explosion. Jon and the others look on in concern. After a minute or two, the smoke clears, and the four Pokemon are still standing. Jon (Thinking): This is bad. If Ryan continues like this. Olympia: Helping Hand and Dark Pulse! Ryan: “NO!” He returns Vivillon to her Pokeball. Ryan: “Give it all you’ve got Delphox! ‘Secret Weapon’! And try to hit both Meowstic!” Ryan: “Delphox, I didn’t want to do it at first, but we don’t have a choice. It’s the only way we’re ever going to beat the Meowstic!” Olympia: Dual Psyshock! Ryan: “‘Secret Weapon’!” Olympia: Now, Assist and Thunder Wave! Ryan: “Finish this with Hyper Beam!” Olympia: Return, you were excellent. Olympia: Now, Dark Pulse! Ryan: “Argh! Forgot about that. Now, use Hy-!” Anthony: Ryan! Quilladin (frantic): “Quilladin! Quill Quill!” Lilly: “Serves the cocky thick-head right.” Quilladin (pointing at Jon and gesturing to Ryan): “Quill Quill Quilladin!” Narrator: Ryan’s time for his seventh gym battle arrived at last. After choosing Vivillon and Delphox to fight for him, they couldn’t stand up to Olympia’s Pokemon. Ryan Delphox was accessed again, but the strain was too much for Ryan, and caused him to pass out, along with Delphox. What will happen now? Find out next time.