| - Paralyze is a spell, alchemical effect, and weapon enchantment. Governed by the schools of Magicka, the Mage guild hall of Bravil. Being born under The Lover birthsign grains the Greater Power, "Lover's Kiss", eliciting immobilizing for 10 seconds yet impairing fatigue 120 points on self. Upon obtaining Master-level ranks in weapon skills, Paralysis is added to weapons of that category as a perk and affects Blade, Blunt, Hand-to-Hand, and Marksman.
| - Paralyze is a spell, alchemical effect, and weapon enchantment. Governed by the schools of Magicka, the Mage guild hall of Bravil. Being born under The Lover birthsign grains the Greater Power, "Lover's Kiss", eliciting immobilizing for 10 seconds yet impairing fatigue 120 points on self. Upon obtaining Master-level ranks in weapon skills, Paralysis is added to weapons of that category as a perk and affects Blade, Blunt, Hand-to-Hand, and Marksman. Casting it renders the target completely immobile, duration controlled by the magnitude of the effect. While stunned, the afflicted cannot move, block, or consume items such as dispel potions. If the Hero of Kvatch is the target of a success paralysis effect, the camera pans out of first person and into third person, if it was not the selected camera view. Paralysis possesses a universal magnitude, meaning every paralysis effect is the same; duration dictates the customizability and differences of the effect. Recovering from paralysis can only be done two ways. When the Hero of Kvatch is paralyzed, only time can remove the affliction. If an ally or foe is paralyzed, the option of casting the Cure Paralysis built-in spell exists. To the exclusion of the five potion ingredients that can be eaten or blended with others using apparatus, inflicting paralysis on self is impossible through normal means. Various means, contrastingly, augment the ability of paralysis abjuration. Common examples include enchanting apparel or ingesting alchemical concoctions. While paralysis is an enchantment available to weapons, it cannot be added to a weapon through an Altar of Enchanting once the Arcane University becomes accessible; additionally, no Sigil Stone with the enchantment exists. Only pre-made randomized treasure, such as Dagger of Paralysis, contain the effect. Despite this, the Mage's Staff obtained from Wellspring Cave during the "A Mage's Staff" quests upon achieving the rank of Apprentice can be chosen to have Paralysis as its effect. Pre-made poisons, potions, and beverages that inflict the status ailment on foes and self exist. As with other effects, Paralyze can be crafted into custom spells via an Altar of Spellmaking once one recommendation from each county has been earned. Along with Invisibility, Paralysis is one of the most expensive spells to craft and cast.