| - Meetra Surik, mejor conocida como la Jedi exiliada, fue una de los Jedi que siguieron a Revan durante las Guerras Mandalorianas y sirvió como una de sus generales. Fue alumna del Maestro Jedi Kavar.
- Meetra Surik was a charismatic female Human Jedi Master who, while still a Padawan, followed Revan and Malak to war against the Mandalorians, in defiance of the Jedi Council. Because of this she was exiled from the Jedi Order and came to be known as the Jedi Exile.
- Meetra Surik, commonly known as The Jedi Exile, was a female human Jedi who joined Revan in the Mandalorian Wars and became his best top general. Following her banishment from the Order she became a hermit before reconnecting with the Force and saving the Galaxy from the Sith Triumvirate led by Darth Traya, Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion.
- Meetra Surik byla lidská mistryně Jedi, která když byla ještě padawan následovala Revana a Malaka do války proti Mandaloriánům a byla kvůli tomu exilovaná z řádu jediů a stala se známou jako Jedi Vypovězená (aka Jedi Exile).
- Meetra Surik, more commonly known as the Jedi Exile, was a Human female Jedi Consular, Jedi General, and Revanchist active during the Mandalorian Wars, First Jedi Purge, and Dark Wars.
- Meetra Surik, también conocida como la Jedi Exiliada después de las Guerras Mandalorianas, fue una mujer humana que decidió desobedecer las órdenes del Alto Consejo Jedi y ayudar a la República Galáctica en su guerra contra los invasores Neo-Cruzados Mandalorianos. Llegando al rango de Caballero Jedi durante la guerra, ella sirvió con distinción bajo órdenes de sus compañeros cruzados Revan y Malak, y fue con el tiempo comisionada General en la Armada de la República.
- Meetra Surik, also known as the Jedi Exile after the Mandalorian Wars, was a Human female Jedi Master. As a Padawan, she chose to disobey the orders of the Jedi High Council and aid the Galactic Republic in its war against the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Rising to the rank of Jedi Knight during the conflict, she served with distinction under the command of her fellow Crusaders Revan and Malak and was eventually commissioned as a General in the Republic Military. Surik played a vital role in defeating the Mandalorians during the latter stages of the conflict, but as a direct result of her controversial actions during the cataclysmic final battle, she effectively cut her connection to the Force. Afterwards, out of all those who went to war, she was the only Jedi to avoid the call of
- L'Esule Jedi era una femmina Umana avente il rango di Padawan, che scelse di disobbedire agli ordini dell'Alto Consiglio Jedi e di aiutare la Repubblica Galattica nella lotta contro gli invasori Neo-Crociati Mandaloriani durante le Guerre Mandaloriane. Ascendendo al grado di Cavaliere Jedi durante la guerra, servì con distinzione sotto il comando dei suoi compagni crociati Revan e Malak, ed alla fine fu nominata Generale nell'Esercito Repubblicano.
- Meetra Surik vagy ahogy még ismerik a Jedi Száműzött egy női Erő-érzékeny ember volt, a Dantooinon született és itt a Jedi Enklávé-n lett belőle Jedi Kavar mester irányitása alatt. Amikor a Mandalórik megtámadták a Köztársaságot ő a Jedi Rend parancsa ellenére csatába szállat ellenük Darth Revan vezetésével. A háborúban Tábornok volt a Köztársaság Hadseregében