| - Nera - the lady of spring completely replacing Crunor for some elves.
- Evicor - the wanderer. Master of the hunt, the explorer
- Krynierr - the silver tongue, poetry, love and music
- Azmoda - the vieled one, mysterious figure. Mistress of schemes, cunning and deception.
- Dseyvar - the sworddancer, responsible for the grace of the warrior, elven warriors have to be graceful not chivalrous.
- Priyla - the daughter of the stars, mystery and magic
- Like most of the elder races, elves feel used and abandoned by the gods. The only gods some of them worship is Crunor, whom they call the "Treefather" and see him as bringer of life. Some of the elves prefer to pray to the raw elemental powers of earth and air. Mostly in the Kuridai caste the earth cult is more prominent than Crunor, and it is said that their complicated 'prayers' are more like summonings or invocations. It is believed by elvenkind that in their history seven elven lords acquired the status of celestial paladins and therefore are godlike beings. Worshipping them is a very personal matter though. It is certain that different high lords are more prominent in different castes but prayers and interpretation of the high lords is only shared on family level at best, usually each elf finds his own approach to some of the high lords, completely ignoring the other ones.
- Mortiur - the ravager, prominent for some sects. The avenger, merciless against friend, foe and himself