| - Two Heros, the Same, Yet Different. Two warriors have a similar background, but are totaly different. Goku - A Saiyan from Planet Vegeta. He was sent off the Planet before it's demise. Superman- A Kryptonian from Planet Krypton. He was sent off the Planet before it's demise. When worlds collide, two heros have to come together to save the day. Chapter One Superman was coming to visit Tameron, but when he got there, the place was in ruins. "What...happened?" Superman asked himself. "You mean to the once beautiful Planet Tameron?!" asked a sarcastically familiar voice.
| - Two Heros, the Same, Yet Different. Two warriors have a similar background, but are totaly different. Goku - A Saiyan from Planet Vegeta. He was sent off the Planet before it's demise. Superman- A Kryptonian from Planet Krypton. He was sent off the Planet before it's demise. When worlds collide, two heros have to come together to save the day. Chapter One Superman was coming to visit Tameron, but when he got there, the place was in ruins. "What...happened?" Superman asked himself. "You mean to the once beautiful Planet Tameron?!" asked a sarcastically familiar voice. Superman turned around only to see his mortal enemy. "Darkseid, so this was your doing! Why, why pick on innocent people, Why?" Superman asked. "Innocent, no! Power. They were warriors, all of them, all of them had excrutiating strength. Which challenged mine. Thats why I had to destroy, because no power will ever RIVAL MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" declared Darkseid. "We'll see about that." Said Superman as he launched a fist at Darkseid catching him in the face!