| - Defense Ref 16 (Flat-Footed11), Fort 22 (+3 armor), Vehicular Combat HP 60; DR 10; Threshold 32 Speed Fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,200 km/h), fly 5 squares (Starship scale) Ranged Laser Cannons +6 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +24 Atk options autofire (laser cannons) Abilities Str 34, Dex 18, Con --, Int 14 Skills Initiative +8, Mechanics +6, Percepton +6, Pilot +8 Crew 1 (skilled); Passengers none Cargo 65 kg; Consumables 2 days; Carred Craft none Availability Military; Cost 60,000 (25,000 used) Laser Cannons (pilot)
| - Defense Ref 16 (Flat-Footed11), Fort 22 (+3 armor), Vehicular Combat HP 60; DR 10; Threshold 32 Speed Fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,200 km/h), fly 5 squares (Starship scale) Ranged Laser Cannons +6 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +24 Atk options autofire (laser cannons) Abilities Str 34, Dex 18, Con --, Int 14 Skills Initiative +8, Mechanics +6, Percepton +6, Pilot +8 Crew 1 (skilled); Passengers none Cargo 65 kg; Consumables 2 days; Carred Craft none Availability Military; Cost 60,000 (25,000 used) Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +6 (+1 Autofire), Dmg 4d10x2 Ranking only below stupidity and hydrogen, the Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/ln Starfighter has been said to be the third-most common commodity in the Galaxy. It was clearly the first commodity at work when the TIE/ln was designed, and when the decision was made to make it the starfighter of the Empire. Frankly, it was worth scrap when it came out of the factory; the laser cannons are dual lights, the thing is completely unshielded, and though agile, not as agile as the Empire liked to make it's pilots think it was. Inferior to starfighters designed over four millenia before it was, the TIE/ln was strictly quantity-before-quality, and quantity was the only thing you got with it. It's basic parts - cockpit and wing panels - were found on a broad variety of Uglies, owing to their commonality, but with rare exception (such as the Chir'daki, they were seldom any better than the parent craft.