| - The Pro is a superhero prostitute from the comic book series The Pro.
- Pro is a word used to describe a player that has abilities and talents exceeding their level. A player that is described as pro is someone that knows how to use a character to its full potential. They hunt harder creatures then most people at their level and always come out on top. It is a term normally associated with a player that has very high skills at their level.
- Pro is a word used to describe a player that has abilities and talents exceeding their level. A player that is described as pro is someone that knows how to use a character to its full potential. They hunt harder creatures then most people at their level and always come out on top. It is a term normally associated with a player that has very high skills at their level.
- 01:10, July 6, 2011 (UTC)John Naurm
- A Pro is a Mii who has mastered a sport in Wii Sports. They are not really different from normal Miis however, they are just great atheletes at a certain sport, or possibly all sports. To become a Pro, a Mii must have over one-thousand points at a cetrain sport and play that sport a lot. Pros are respected by other non-Pro Miis, and a Mii who becomes a Pro will recieve lots of Wii Points. Not all Miis can become Pros, and many Miis don't want to become Pros and just want to play to have fun. Pros also become real chatty with other Miis
- dem der er rigtig gode til ogame
- De uitzendingen van de PRO gebeuren voor radio op VRT Radio 1 onder de naam De Protestantse Stem en voor televisie op zondagmorgen op één en op zondagavond op Canvas.
- PRO is a oneshot fanfiction written and published on FanFiction.Net by kyleisgod. The story takes place immediately after the events of "Margaritaville".
- Pro Evolution Soccer ή Pro To Pro είναι ένα ηλεκτρονικό παιχνίδι εξομοίωσης ποδοσφαίρου το οποίο δημιουργήθηκε από τον Σατανά Image:Pro evolution soccer 2008.jpg με σκοπό να καταστρέψει τις φιλίες μεταξύ των ανθρώπων και τελικά να φέρει το χάος και την πλαδαρότητα στο ανθρώπινο γένος.
- Comuni segni distintivi di un pro (nel mondo videoludico) sono sopratutto: 1.
* Possedere immense collezioni di videogiochi di ogni tipo, tra cui anche quelli sconosciuti dimmerda fatti da una software house che in realtà produceva aspirapolveri. 2.
* Possedere altresì grandi quantità di joypad e controller distrutti o rovinati irrimediabilmente. Tastiere sporche e tasti inceppati, mouse ricolmo di strane sostanze e cuffie già invecchiate di 5 anni quando in realtà sono un regalo del mese prima. 3.
* Essere stato denunciato diverse volte per schiamazzi a tutte le ore, dovute al normale sfogo di un SuperProh quando perde una partita. 4.
* Possedere un PC di alto livello, che costa quanto un'automobile, e cambiarlo circa 1,55555555 volte all'anno.
- Pro, pr0, pr0 h4xX0r2 (ang. pro); (niem. der Proffesionalspielerundinternetnutzer) – osoba spotykana w internecie, która wie wszystko na swój wyuczony temat. Maniak komputerowy, przeciwieństwo n00ba i l4m3r00w. Określenie funkcjonujące również dla gracza komputerowego, który osiągnął absolutne mistrzostwo w użytkowaniu cheatów. Tacy jegomoście sieją postrach na serwerach publicznych, przerabiając wszystkich przeciwników w dymiącą stertę kompostu lub kaszkę dla niemowląt. Lubią się kumulować w duże kółka wzajemnej adoracji nazywane organizacjami gamingowymi lub po prostu klanami. Biorą także udział w różnorakich zawodach mających na celu wyłonienie największego cwaniaka.
- Pro is a gamestyle in the Worms series designed for competitive games between experienced players.
- pro invariable [ˈpru] prononciations
* l. : [ˈpru]
* lim. : [ˈpru], [ˈpʁu]
* auv. : [ˈpʁu]
* pron 1.
* assez → sufisentament
* n’aver pro 1.
* assez !, stop !, basta ! 2.
* 3.
* REDIRECTION cri utilisé pour faire arrêter les bœufs références
* R1 : Mistral 1879
* R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien <a href="http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf">http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf</a> en ligne, , Rei-Bèthvéder 2004Catégorie:GasconCatégorie:Gascon toulousain, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, <a href="http://www.jfbrun.eu/lengadoc/lexoc.htm">http://www.jfbrun.eu/lengadoc/lexoc.htm</a> en ligneCatégorie:MontpelliérainCatégorie:languedocien, Alibert 1997Catégorie:Languedocien, 1.
* R3 : DECat , ALAL, carte 796Catégorie:auvergnat-limousin