| - Empire of Reir (Imperium af Reir) or Harald Year (Harald år) was new Reir goverment (1923-1924). One Reir citizen formerly was from royal family and was King's Ansgar's which rule Kingdom of Great Reir in 1572-1578 kinsman. From 1923 he wanted Recreate the Monarchy and make it much better. He with his Royal Army captured Delie (Malmo) and old royal capital of Reir - Skagen. Oh, he was the Harald. Harald Vedinston. When he captured Skagen, he became the emperor. He declared war on the Reir goverment. With new Imperialistic army he marched to Gothenburg. New Harald Year started. After half a year, he with his army had almost all Reir. But in 1924, Reir army destroyed Harald Imperialistic Army in Battle of Gothenburg. This Reir civil war was deadliest of all. In the Battle of Gothenburg, 3 Milion Reir Army soldiers and 500,000 Imperialistic Army soldier were the casualties. Half a year later, Harald had almost all Reir and some new lands. Spanish Emperor writed a peace treaty and joined to Reir, also Harald marched to Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg) and Germany (Berlin and other small countries) to say that he would conquer them soon. But unsuccessful Battle of Gothenburg destroyed Harald Imperialistic Army. Harald enraged. He secretly went to Republic of Reir President office and drop there bomb. After 5 minutes President office is exploded. He killed some Reirishes to intimidate theme. Ultimately Special Forces of Reir arrested Harald. For some people, Harald is hero. The Empire of Reir comprised the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates and other territories ruled or administered by the Reir (Harald Year). Covered more than 58,563,000 km2 (22,611300711 sq mi), almost a quarter of the Earth's total land area. Empire_of_Reir_Map.png|Reir ruled by Harald