| - Daenard Salec's early life is shrouded in mystery. He came to Republic space and was quickly adopted by the Jedi for his obvious strength in the force. He gained the rank of Jedi Padawan at only the age of six, in the same year he was taken in by the Jedi. Daenard trained under the somewhat mysterious Jedi Master Muo Tiae for close to ten years before being promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight. He went on many missions for the Jedi Order, including several to the unknown regions. Daenard had several visions through the force of his family who had disappeared after his adoption by the Jedi. He felt that his family was located on one of the planets he and his master visited on their missions to the unknown regions, a planet know as Keerjjal. On one of their missions to this planet Daenard felt that he must find his family, now that he was strong enough in the force. His master felt the confusion within the young Jedi's mind, and warned him that those emotions can lead to the dark side. Daenard was unable to find his family, and soon he could not feel their presence anymore. He felt it was his master's fault that he didn't find his family when he had the chance. The entire order felt the resentment he had towards his master, and when he came back from a mission to the unknown regions without his master, and reported that he had been killed, the order suspected the student of murdering Muo Tiae. Daenard tried to defend himself and his honor, but the order would not have it.