| - Narrator: It’s a beautiful day to be on the open road, and no one’s enjoying it more than the Botsford family, because they’re going on vacation.. TJ: I can’t wait to get to the water park! Mrs. Botsford: I’m just looking forward to some leisure time with my family. Mr. Botsford: Well, what do you say we get this party started with some tunes! TJ: Alright! I pick the radio station! Mr. Botsford: Ha! Radio? I don’t think-y so! Ready everyone? She’ll-- be-- Mr. and Mrs. Botsford: (together) --Comin’ round the mountain when she comes (when she comes)-- Mr. and Mrs. Botsford and TJ: (together) --She’ll be comin’ round the mountain when she comes-- Mr. Botsford: I can’t hear you Becky! Mr. and Mrs. Botsford and TJ: (together) -- She’ll be comin’ round the mountain, she’ll be comin’ round the mountain, she’ll be comin’ round the mountain when she comes! Becky: Guys-- please-- Mr. and Mrs. Botsford and TJ: (together) She’ll be drivin’ six white horses when she comes-- Mr. Botsford: --she’s almost here! Mr. and Mrs. Botsford and TJ: (together) She’ll be drivin’ six white horses when she comes-- Mr. Botsford: --wait she should be here by now! Mr. and Mrs. Botsford and TJ: (together) She’ll be drivin’ six white horses, she’ll be drivin’ six white horses, she’ll be drivin’ six white horses when she comes! Mr. Botsford: Oh-ho, that’s a song! Narrator: Meanwhile, back in the city, the notorious Dr. Two-Brains is conducting a dangerous experiment! Dr. Two-Brains: Oh, drat! I never thought creating a cheddar-provo-swiss super sandwich cheese could be so hard! Hmm… let’s triple the amount of dynamite and give it another try. Henchman 1: Uh, we’re exhausted, boss! Dr. Two-Brains: Excuse me? Henchman 1: All we do is work. We never get any leisure time! Dr. Two-Brains: Leisure ti--? Henchman 1: We need a vacation. We want to go fishing. Dr. Two-Brains: I don’t see how fishing will expand your appreciation of cheese and cheese-related products! Henchman 1: That’s the point, boss. We want to spend time together away from work. That means no cheese and no evil rays. Dr. Two-Brains: (with a sarcastic tone) Oooooh, and we can have a little tea party and write in our little diaries and ride little ponies and-- Dr. Two-Brains: (after a pause) Oh fine, we’ll go fishing. (walks away with his hand on his face.) Henchman 1: (to Charlie) Do you think the ponies will scare the fish? Dr. Two-Brains: So, uh, how about those, uh, professional athletics… sports, with the teams, and the scores… right? Henchman 1: Yeah… they sure are. Henchman 1: Hey, let’s play "I Spy!" Dr. Two-Brains: Oh please, no. Henchman 1: I spy with my little eye, something blue. It’s the sky! Henchman 1: I spy… something yellow. The sun! I spy with my little eye, something clear. The window! Narrator: Meanwhile, Becky Botsford’s road trip isn’t going much better. Becky: Ugh… if I have to spend one more second in this car, I’m gonna go berserk! Becky: Berserk, you know, wild or crazy, as in this ridiculously slow ride is driving me berserk! Becky: See you later. Mrs. Botsford: Okay, but hurry back! Henchman 1: I spy with my little eye, something white. That cloud! Dr. Two-Brains: Ugh! Your spying skills are really going to waste as an evil henchman! Oh, when are we gonna get there? Henchman 1: I spy with my little eye, something yellow. That sign! Dr. Two-Brains: (reading the sign) “Big Bill’s Gas-er-up. Yes, we have helium.” Ooh, haha, we need helium! And a break. Hang on, boys. Store Owner: A blimp! Ha, and they said I was crazy to cater to non-rigid airships! Well, who’s laughing now? Narrator: Inside the rest stop… Mr. Botsford: Beef jerky-- no, turkey jerky-- no, beef jerky! Announcer: Do you like cheese? Mr. Botsford: Well, sure! Announcer: How about exhibitions? Mr. Botsford: DO I? Announcer: How about things that are international? Mr. Botsford: (laughs) International? Yes! Announcer: Then come on down to the International Cheese Exhibition! Dr. Two-Brains: Hmmph? Becky: Dr. Two-Brains? (whispering to Bob) What is HE doing here? Announcer: That’s right, the International Cheese Exhibition, featuring world-renowned cheese master David Driscoll! Dr. Two-Brains: D-D-D-D-David Driscoll?! THE David Driscoll? Mr. Botsford: Where on earth is this incredible event taking place? Announcer: This incredible event is taking place just three hundred miles north-northeast of Big Bill’s Gas-o-rama! That’s two hundred fifty-eight miles due north, if you’re traveling by blimp. Dr. Two-Brains: Hmm! If I can get to that International Cheese Exhibition, I can grab the David Driscoll, bring him back to my lab, and force him to make my cheddar-provo-swiss cheese! Mr. Botsford: (to Becky) You coming, honey? Becky: I- I’ll be right there. I promised Bob I’d-- help him memorize all the license plates in the parking lot. Mr. Botsford: Ooh, sounds like fun! Becky: Okay. (She sneaks off with Bob.) WordGirl: Not so fast, Dr. Two-Brains! I know about your evil plan. Dr. Two-Brains: Evil plan? What evil plan? I-I’m on… vacation! With my henchmen. I mean, they begged me for some leisure time, but honestly WordGirl, if I have to spend another second with those two, I’m gonna go-- Dr. Two-Brain and WordGirl: (together) BERSERK! WordGirl: I know! Dr. Two-Brains: I mean, the constant blabbering… WordGirl: The annoying games… Dr. Two-Brains: The songs… WordGirl: Oh, the songs and verses and the rounds… Dr. Two-Brains: Ugh, it’s-- it’s like you were there. TJ: (offscreen) Becky! We’re about to start a round of “I’m going on a picnic!” WordGirl: Ugh-- what’s that, Huggy? We have to go because there’s a fire in the old-- fireplace? (She points to Two-Brains with a menacing look.) See you at the cheese exhibition! (She flies off with Huggy.) Dr. Two-Brains: Ooh, but if I get there first, you WON’T see cheese master David Driscoll! Narrator: Moments later… Dr. Two-Brains: So, uh, how much do you guys really want to go fishing? Henchman 1: More than anything in the world, boss! Dr. Two-Brains: Good, ‘cause we’re going to the International Cheese Exhibition. Henchman 1: Wh-what? Dr. Two-Brains: David Driscoll’s going to be there! Dr. Two-Brains: David Driscoll? Never heard of him, huh? How can you be in the cheese business and not have heard of David Driscoll? Don’t you see? We can grab Driscoll, bring him back to the lab, and force him to concoct my cheddar-provo-swiss super sandwich cheese! Henchman 1: But you said we could go fishing! Dr. Two-Brains: Oh, fishing, schmishing! What am I supposed to do, put three separate pieces of cheese on my sandwich like some sort of cro-magnon neanderthal? Henchman 1: Oh, Charlie. Don’t cry. Narrator: Back in the Botsford-mobile… Mr. Botsford: Hey, everybody, great news! Instead of going straight to the water park like we all planned, we’re gonna take a little detour and visit the International Cheese Exhibition! Huh? TJ: Whaaat? Mr. Botsford: And guess who’s going to be there? David Driscoll! TJ: But what about the water park? I’ve been wearing my bathing suit since Tuesday! Mrs. Botsford: Ohh… TJ: What? Becky: Hey, don’t worry TJ, the exhibition’s going to be great! Yeah, what do say we hurry up and get there, huh? Uh, hey Dad, here’s a fun game-- let’s pretend we’re racing a blimp to the cheese exhibition! Mr. Botsford: Becky, now you know how I feel about blimp racing. Mrs. Botsford: Who’s ready for a song? Becky: Dad, can we please pick it up a bit? Mr. Botsford: I’m excited to get to the exhibition too, honey, but you know my policy. (singing) If you really want to enjoy a drive, take the speed limit and divide by five! Ha ha ha! We could be here all day! Mr. Botsford: I applaud your work ethic! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Mr. Botsford: Wow! An exhibit on the untold story of cheese curd? We are not wasting another second! Becky: Uh, Bob and I are going to check out the cottage... cheese sculptures of famous astronauts, we’ll catch up with you later! Mr. Botsford: Sounds good! Mr. Botsford: Oh! There he is! Mrs. Botsford: Cheese master David Driscoll! David Driscoll: Why does every lecture I do end the same way? WordGirl: Word UP! Dr. Two-Brains: Oh hi, THE David Driscoll! You, my friend, are coming back to my lair, where you’ll have no choice but to work around the clock to make my new super cheese! Ha-ha-ha! But first, could you autograph this? David Driscoll: Well how do you want me to make it out? Dr. Two-Brains: Could you put, “To my good friend, Dr. Two-Brains?” David Driscoll: I don’t know if I’d call us friends, I mean I barely even know you. Plus, your plan to force me to work around the clock isn’t exactly putting you at the top of my buddy list. Dr. Two-Brains: Okay, fine. How about, “Dr. Two-Brains, keep on rockin’”, with like three exclamation points, please? David Driscoll: Three? Seems a little excessive… WordGirl: Stop right there, Dr. Two-Brains! You can kiss your cheesy plan gouda-bye! Dr. Two-Brains: Ha ha ha. That is the funniest joke I’ve ever heard. You know that puns are the lowest form of comedy? WordGirl: Really? I heard sarcasm was. Dr. Two-Brains: Oooh, then it must be true-- ‘cause you’re the greatest genius ever to walk the earth! Cheese her-- I mean, seize her! Henchman 1: Nu-huh. That sounds like work. And this trip was supposed to be about leisure, meaning no work, just fun. WordGirl: He’s right. That’s what leisure means. Dr. Two-Brains: Yeah-yeah-yeah, thanks for the vocabulary help, WordGirl, I couldn’t have explained it without you. Now, come on, henchmen! What if I promise to, I don’t know, take you fishing? Henchman 1: Yeah, we’ve heard that before. Dr. Two-Brains: Fine, I’ll seize her myself! Dr. Two-Brains: Hows about a little help? Dr. Two-Brains: Rats! WordGirl: Nice work, Huggy! Dr. Two-Brains: NOOOO! I am forever cursed never to eat a single slice of cheese made with a combination of cheddar, provolone and swiss! David Driscoll: THAT'S what this is all about? Why don’t you just use a slice of each? That’s just lazy! WordGirl: Looks like your vacation is over, Dr. Two-Brains! Dr. Two-Brains: It wasn’t really a vaca-- oh… Dr. Two-Brains and WordGirl: (together) Sarcasm. Yeah. WordGIrl: Alright, Huggy. Take ‘er down! WordGirl: (to Huggy) Uh, on second thought, don’t rush! Narrator: Well, a trip that was supposed to be leisure for Becky Botsford turned out to be anything but for WordGirl. Fortunately, the Botsford family did make it to the water park. Narrator: Try not to go berserk when you tune in next time for another thrilling adventure of WordGirl!