| - Brewing allows the player to make Potions that can benefit or harm the player when used. In turn, the player can add Gunpowder to any potion while brewing to convert this potion into a splash potion, enabling the player to put the effect on another mob when it is thrown as a projectile. All brewing requires a Brewing Stand. The gallery below contains a chart of various potions that can be made, and how to make them. A separate detailed list of all potions and their recipes can also be found here.
- Brewing is a method of training the Cooking skill and allows players to create ales and other beverages, many of which provide temporary bonuses for certain stats. Brewing is objectively more complicated and time consuming than other parts of the cooking skill, but the results can be more rewarding. Mature ales, especially if collected in calquat kegs, are very valuable.
- Steps in the brewing process include milling, mashing, lautering, boiling, fermenting, conditioning, and filtering, each of which is detailed below. The final step is packaging, which is putting the beer into the containers in which it will leave the brewery, such as bottles, cans, kegs, or casks.
- Brewing is a game mechanic that allows a Player to brew Potions with the help of a Brewing Stand. It was added in Update 0.12.1.
- Brewers are currently known for their ability to extract valuable oils from vegetables and fish via the use of huge cauldrons. Some are also studying to one day master the art of creating spirits using a Still. To brew an oil, use two of the same tier of vegetable with one of ANY tier of fish in an Oil Boiler. The tier of oil brewed will be the same as the tier of vegetable used in the Oil Boiler.
- Brewing is a sub-category of Cooking which is much more complicated and time consuming than the cooking of other foods, but the results are quite useful, for most of them boost assorted stats. Mature ales, especially if collected in calquat kegs, are very valuable.
- Characters with brewing skills can brew wine and beer and understand the principles of the fermentation process. They are able to judge the quality of the ingredients and the finished product, estimate fermentation times in any given environment, and judge whether a particular brew is ready. They also have a +10% modifier to their chance of noticing a drug or poison in wine or beer. If successful, the presence of some foreign substance will be detected, but not its nature.
- Brewing is the production of beer through steeping a starch source (commonly cereal grains) in water and then fermenting with yeast. Brewing has taken place since around the 6th millennium BC, and archeological evidence suggests that this technique was used in ancient Egypt. Descriptions of various beer recipes can be found in Sumerian writings, some of the oldest known writing of any sort.
- This is the making of fermented alcoholic beverages from grains or fruits and specifically includes wine, mead, ale, beer and moonshine, as well as common teas, coffee, lemonade and similar types of prepared drinks. Excerpted from Rifts® Ultimate Edition™, copyright 2005 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved. Rifts®, Megaverse® and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda. All other titles and names are trademarks of Palladium Books.
- Brewing is a very fun Tradeskill that allows players to create alcohol. Some people like alcohol tolerance leveling.
- Brewing is the method used to produce various drinks, mostly alcoholic, in barrels. You will need a placed barrel, three buckets of water and six other ingredients, which will vary depending on the drink you want to brew. The recipes are shown below. As soon as your desired potency is reached, you can press "Stop Brewing". After that, you can take the drink out by right-clicking the front of the barrel with any type of empty vessel. The barrel holds enough drink to fill 16 servings.
- Brewing is the typical method of preparing roasted coffee beans for drinking. While there are several methods for brewing coffee, nearly all involve infusing ground coffee beans with water over a period of time. Coffee brewers can range in complexity from a vessel in which coffee grounds and hot water are combined for several minutes to an espresso machine which "presses" hot water through a puck of coffee at a high pressure to produce a highly concentrated coffee.
- Brewing is an activity in which players can brew their own restoring items in Victory Labs by talking to Gerard. It is available to both Nidarian Guard and free players, though the latter only has access to three Fizzes. Each item that you brew requires 6 Empty Bottles and various fruits and vegetables that you either collect while killing Mimics or grow in your garden. You get 6 restorative items for doing these mini-quests, and they restore quite a bit more health than the food items you give for the quest, so most people find it worth the time and effort to complete these mini-quests.