| - In the Irregular Webcomic! multiverse, there are multiple Deaths - all found, appropriately, in the theme known as Death. In each theme, when a character dies he or she is collected by an appropriate Death. These are often incredibly specialized, for example people who were killed by a Mars Rover Rock Abrasion Tools were collected by Death of Being Ground By A Mars Rover Rock Abrasion Tool until that Death was promoted after his first collection. These Deaths are in the employ of a sort of Head Death, who promotes and manages them as necessary. It has been revealed that the Deaths are in fact salaried, and are paid $50.00 (presumably AUS) per soul they collect - meaning that certain jobs, such as Death by Being Sat On by a Giant Frog, are reserved only for those who repeatedly fail in their duties. Death has appeared in almost every theme, collecting or almost collecting certain characters. They usually release them under some technicality, but a few have died permanently. Many of the "main" Deaths have been promoted, demoted, fired and rehired several times, creating animosity between the characters. Many of the Deaths the theme focuses on are lower end, such as Death of Insanely Overpowered Fireballs or Death of Inhaling Hatmaking Chemicals. Deaths usually wear props denoting their position, although they sometimes keep these props even after being promoted ( or demoted). Many wear hoods or carry scythes, and all deaths speak in capital letters in the presence of mortals. All the Deaths live - or at least have their base of operations - on the Infinite Featureless Plane. There have been suggestions that Death is just one department in a larger scheme, sometimes stated as also involving Taxes or the other traditional departments of the Apocalypse (War, Famine and Plague). At present, however, there is little further information available.