| - Cetus var en Asuraner, som serverar under Talus under Asuraner angrepp på Atlantis. När Generalmajor Jonathan J. O'Neill och Richard P. Woolsey fångades, sonderade Cetus Woolsey sinne för vad information han hade. När Asuranerna hade reparerat skadorna på Atlantis, Cetus aktiverat sköld som en förberedelse för Atlantis resa till Asuras. Emellertid Överstelöjtnant John Sheppards team hade riggade sköld sändarna med Replikator disruptor kristaller som resulterade i ett avbrott våg sprids genom staden, förstöra Cetus och den andra Asuranerna. (ATL: "The Return, Part 1", "The Return, Part 2")
- Cetus (la ballena o el monstruo marino) es una constelación del hemisferio sur, en una región conocida como Agua, cerca de otras constelaciones como Aquarius, Piscis y Eridanus.
- Cetus becomes Red Whale Ranger
- Cetus (Image:Speakerlink.svgiImage:Speakerlink.svgiImage:Speakerlink.svgi/iːtəs/) is a constellation. Its name refers to Cetus, a sea monster in Greek mythology, although it is often called 'the whale' today. Cetus is located in the region of the sky that contains other water-related constellations such as Aquarius, Pisces, and Eridanus.
- Cetus is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.
- The Cetus Constellation was partially visible on a viewscreen in the briefing room on the USS Enterprise in 2266. It was a star chart of the winter sky as seen from Earth. The constellation Cetus was visible in the lower right corner of the chart and identified by name. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver" )
- Cetus is a rare marine animal inhabiting the warm waters of the Boeric Ocean, occasionally migrating south to the Waking Sea.
- Cetus is one of Eris' Pets in Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas. He resembles a giant kraken-like sea monster as his name and story in Greek mythology suggests.
- Cetus (ケタス Ketasu) is an ancient Zyuman who became Zyuoh Whale (ジュウオウホエール Jūō Hoēru) a sole Red Ranger and the original Zyuohger in a past fight against an enemy that threatened the Zyumans.
- If the Denizen looks like Rose's browser icon, then it should be noted that she shares skin colour with Rose's consorts (and is lavender, which is Rose's typing colour) and looks like a half-human, half-fish (?) monster with two fins, one tail and a white head.
- Cetae are both fish-like and amphibian-like, but have a strong affinity to water and the deep sea in particular, being comparably helpless when caught on land. They are capable of breathing underwater through their skin. Despite their animalistic appearance, they are highly intelligent and possess innate psionic abilities through their contact with the Farplane, allowing them to manipulate matter and minds with thoughts alone. However, they also possess tentacle-like prehensile barbels lining their mouths and the back of their head, which they can use like a human would use arms and hands to manipulate their surroundings and which can wield weapons, although the Cetae do not usually chose to do so. The tips of these tendrils end in a roughly triangular shape lines with suckers and armed wi
- The Cetus is a large organism that lives in the vacuum of space. It is very large, and is at least 15 times larger than the Andromeda Ascendant. The crew encountered it in the episode Belly of the Beast.