| - Mical, mejor conocido como el Discípulo, era un historiador que encontró la jedi Meetra Surik en Dantooine durante su búsqueda de los Maestros Jedi, y se unió a su equipo, posiblemente por la admiración que sentía hacia ella durante su juventud.
- Mical fue un niño sensible a la Fuerza, por lo que los Jedis lo llevaron al Enclave Jedi de Dantooine, para que se entrenara como Jedi. Cuando conoció a la Jedi Exiliada mientras enseñaba a los aprendices Jedi a escuchar la Fuerza, y deseaba que ella fuera su maestra. Debido a la reciente amenaza de los mandalorianos, y el inicio de la guerra, Mical no pudo cumplir su deseo, debido a que la Exiliada se fue a luchar. Así, Mical se quedó sin nadie que lo pudiera entrenar como padawan, por lo que decidió trabajar para la República como diplomático.
- Mical was the Jedi Exile's apprentice in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.
- Mical, also known as the Disciple, was a Human male Jedi Youngling during the Mandalorian Wars, a diplomat during the Jedi Civil War and the First Jedi Purge and eventually a Jedi historian and Jedi Master after the Purge, earning a place on the Jedi High Council.
- Mical, or "the Disciple", was a Human male Jedi Master who had served as a diplomat for the Galactic Republic in the aftermath of the Jedi Civil War. A knowledgeable historian, he was one of several tasked with attempting to contact any remaining Jedi and convince them to return to the Republic. The Jedi Exile, Meetra Surik encountered him during her journey to gather the Lost Jedi, and he joined the crew of the Ebon Hawk, possibly due to the admiration he had for her since his youth. He became her informal Padawan, resuming the training he had begun in childhood, and becoming a Jedi Consular. After his travels with Surik, he devoted himself to rebuilding the Jedi Order and would eventually sit on the re-established Jedi High Council as a Master. He also became one of the Order's greatest