| - A scholarly and investigative Jedi, Shakvail served a one-year mission on the Rachason homeworld of Radrack. She followed this with a similar mission to the Spri'lek homeworld of Nylath. After facing an Alchemical Nematode unleashed there, she received a vision of the Infinite Empire on Denon. She subsequently traveled to the planet. During the tumultuous period preceding the Clone Wars Shakvail had a wide variety of adventures on Denon in the company of a Anej Nytas and Bian. She eventually applied to the Jedi High Council for the position of Jedi Watchman of Denon, which was granted. During her time on the planet she uncovered significant findings regarding the relationship between the Rakata, Taung, Humans, and the many Near-human species of the galaxy. When the Clone Wars broke out, Shakvail remained on Denon, serving as Jedi General and liaison to the planet's defense forces. Her assistance proved invaluable during the 1st Battle of Denon and the 2nd Battle of Denon when the planet was exposed to Separatist attacks, as well as a number of plots to weak the defenses from within. Her political groundwork allowed Denon's residents to form their own defensive army, allowing the planet to remain secure without anything beyond a symbolic GAR presence.