| - When the writers openly acknowledge that a Running Gag has run its due course, even as they are hauling it out again— gain— gain— gain— *WHACK* There we go. Anyhow, the use of a Running Gag is generally constrained over the course of one episode. But there are some jokes that the writers thought are just so funny that they should be used in another episode, and another, and another and another. Even if it isn't Once an Episode, it's still squeezed into the series wherever they see fit— fit— fit— fit— fit— *THUMP* Compare Discredited Meme, which this often leads to— to— to— to— to— *WHUMP*
| - When the writers openly acknowledge that a Running Gag has run its due course, even as they are hauling it out again— gain— gain— gain— *WHACK* There we go. Anyhow, the use of a Running Gag is generally constrained over the course of one episode. But there are some jokes that the writers thought are just so funny that they should be used in another episode, and another, and another and another. Even if it isn't Once an Episode, it's still squeezed into the series wherever they see fit— fit— fit— fit— fit— *THUMP* Okay. After a while, though, the writers will come to realize that the bit has started to peter out. Then one can be sure to start seeing plenty of Lampshade Hanging and heavy subversion in the effort to keep the joke fresh, or tolerated. Once that wears thin, one can expect the bit to be dropped like a Christmas ham— ham— ham— ham— ham— *SMACK* Okay, that joke's really wearing thin. Before we continue, let's get that audio equipment fixed. There, fixed. Anyhow, for this to be a trope, examples should not be subjective. They should be based on whether the writers have reacted to its overuse (lampshaded or used it less), rather than just a feeling that the gag has been used too much. The inevitable fate of many a comedy Catch Phrase. Commonly confused with Overly Long Gag, which is when a single gag is stretched out for an irritatingly long time. That said, for any joke, good or bad, enough repetition can make people decide it's an Overused Running Gag. Compare Discredited Meme, which this often leads to— to— to— to— to— *WHUMP* Sigh. Okay, if it does that again, that audio equipment is gonna get a dose of C-4. Examples of Acknowledged Overused Running Gags