| - Nexus are non-sapient predators native to planet Cholganna. With approximately 4.5 meters in length, including their long thin tail, and 1 meter in height, Nexus have a large mouth full of sharp teeth. They are agile and fearsome hunters, being able to climb trees and chase down Arboreal Octopi in the forests of their home planet. Nexus have four eyes, and are able to see infrared light. Their body is covered in fur, and they also have spikes on their back, likely for defense.
- Nexu (настоящее имя Вадим) — переводчик и редактор комиксов на сайтах jcouncil.net и swcomics.ru.
- Nexus were predatory felines native to the planet Cholganna. They were also found on Zhanox.
- We deal here primarily with the forest nexu, as appears in the film. 4.5 meter long furry quadrupeds standing a meter high, the nexu's overall build is feline. A large head holds two sets of eyes, and a wide mouth with numerous sharp teeth; each paw had long, sharp claws, and quills run the length of the nexu's back down to a long, bifurcated tail. Overall colouration is tan or sandy, with darker camouflage markings, and cubs are born pure white. The nexu, in keeping with its feline appearance, shares their excellent reflexes, agility and speed, although such exertion means they tire easily.
- A nexu slashed at Padmé Amidala on Geonosis, but it merely left a sexy scratch-mark on her bare midriff. Better luck next time, nexu! Jango Fett fought a few of them in a video game once. Allana Solo kept one as a pet, awwwwwww.
- The Nexu was released in 2005 with the Universe set.
- Nexu are large feline/rodent-like carnivores. They have four eyes, a bi-tail, grey and black stripes, a large smiling jaw of fangs, and sharp claws. A Nexu was used during the execution on Geonosis in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, the Nexu's main prey was Padmé Amidala, whom the Nexu scarred in the back. They first appear in the LEGO Star Wars saga in the video game LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars, but strangely it is not made up of any LEGO elements.
- Nexu were feline creatures native to the chilly forests of the Indona continent on the planet Cholganna.
- Nexu (Póktigris) A Nexunak ennek az ádáz és fürge ragadózónak Indona, a Cholganna bolygó hatalmas, északi kontinense az őshazája. A biológusok ezt az indonai vagyis északi nexut tartják a faj ősének. Ám ezek a vadállatok nemcsak a bolygó hideg, északi kontinensén, hanem a déli kontinens, Talon korallhegyeinek párás, meleg dzsungeleiben is megtalálhatóak. A két alfaj közti legfeltűnőbb különbség a testméretben mutatkozik meg. Az indonai nexuk csupán négy, öt méterre nőnek meg, míg a délvidéki alfaj a hét, nemritkán a kilenc méteres hosszúságot is elérheti. Az északi faj bundája valamivel sűrűbb, tömöttebb. Fehér alapszínét ritkás, sötétebb csíkozás tarkítja. A taloni példányok testét ezzel szemben ritkább szőrzet borítja. Ezek bundájának rajzolata sötétebb, csíkos vagy némely esetben tenyér
- Los Nexu son depredadores muy feroces que tienen una mezcla de felino y una cola de roedor. Musculosos y ágiles por naturaleza, parecen dotados de demasiadas cualidades; sus dientes son verdaderos cuchillos que cortan la carne ágilmente. Tienen cuatro ojos que les permiten ver en casi todas direcciones. Con los ojos secundarios ven en infrarojo para distinguir el calor de sus presas, además tienen unas poderosas garras que las usan para rasgar la piel de su presa. La cola esta sutilmente divida en dos para darle estabilidad mientras corre, y el pelaje es un aislante para habitats fríos.
- thumb|300px|NexuNexu er en art katteaktige rovdyr fra planeten Cholganna. Det fantes flere underarter av nexu på Cholganna, men bare nexuene i skogkontinentet Indona hadde fire øyne. Øynene deres kan se i infrarød bølgelengde, noe som gjør dem farlige jegere. De har skarpe sanser og kjappe reflekser, men blir fort slitne. Klørne deres kan kutte et menneske i to. Halen som splittes i to deler brukes til å svinge fra tre til tre. De har skarpe pigger på ryggen som beskytter dem fra bakholdsangrep. De tar livet av byttet sitt ved å filleriste dem mellom de store tennene til nakken brekker. Nexumødre er velding beskyttende ovenfor ungene sine, og vil angripe hvis truet. Nexuer er blitt flyttet fra Cholganna til Malastare for bruk som patruljedyr, og til Geonosis til bruk i arenakamper.
- [Source] Le Nexu est un puissant carnivore vivant dans les forêts de Cholganna, sur le continent d'Indona. Il en existe plusieurs races, chacune dans son milieu (forêt nordique, jungle du sud ...). Ce prédateur est tellement féroce qu'aucun zoo ne prend le risque d'en exposer un. Le nexu est le seul animal de Cholganna à posséder deux paires yeux. Cette seconde paire lui permet de voir les ondes infrarouges, et de débusquer ainsi les rats d'écorces ou les octopis arboricoles. Lors des combats, les piquants dorsaux du nexu se dressent. Une fois sa proie enserrée entre ses griffes, il la saisit avec ses dents et la secoue jusqu'à ce qu'elle meure. Sa queue semi-préhensile lui sert à se balancer de branche en branche et sa fourrure est isolante.
- Los nexus son felinos nativos de los bosques fríos del continente Indona en el planeta Cholganna. Hay otras razas de nexu en otros continentes Cholganna, pero sólo el bosque los nexus tienen un conjunto adicional de ojos capaces de ver en la longitud de onda infrarroja, que ayuda en la caza de ratas y para poder trepar a los árboles. A menudo se exportan y se forman como bestias de seguridad, y se utiliza para el patrullaje en Malastare, o utilizados en las arenas para el combate, como se ve en Geonosis. Los nexu son de 4,5 metros de largo y por lo general un metro de altura.
- Nexu were feline creatures native to the chilly forests of the Indona continent on the planet Cholganna. There were other breeds of nexu on Cholganna's other continents, but only the forest nexu had an additional set of eyes able to view in infrared wavelength, which aided in their hunting of bark rats and tree-climbing octopi. They were often exported and trained as security beasts, as used for patrolling on Malastare, or used in arena combat, as seen on Geonosis.
- Nexu are feline creatures native to the chilly forests of the Indona continent on the planet Cholganna. There are other breeds of nexu on Cholganna's other continents, but only the forest nexu has an additional set of eyes able to view in infrared wavelength, which aids in their hunting of bark rats and tree-climbing octopi. They are often exported and trained as security beasts, and used for patrolling on Malastare, or used in arena combat, as seen on Geonosis. Nexu are 4.5 meters long and generally 1 meter tall.