Groundramon is an Earth Dragon Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Ground Dramon". It has giant arms on its back that are said to have mutated from wings, allowing it to more efficiently dig through the ground. It usually lurks within the tunnels it carved deep underground, and seldom comes to the surface. Also, as Groundramon tends to prefer to inhabit veins of the rare Huanglong Ore, it has been discovered that it is very likely to find the elements of Huanglong Ore comprising the scales covering its body. Its personality is extremely ferocious, and as most people lose their life when they encounter one, it is one Digimon for which the details of its ecology are not well understood.
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| - Groundramon sind grün gefärbte Erddrachendigimon von großen körperlichen Ausmaßen. An Stelle von Flügeln, tragen sie gewaltige Arme mit mächtigen Klauen auf ihrem Rücken. Deswegen können sie nicht fliegen und halten sich so ausschließlich auf dem Erdboden auf. Dort graben sie sich durch gewaltige Tunnel und kommen nur selten an die Oberfläche, eigentlich nur, wenn sie ihrer Beute oder ihren Feinden auflauern. Die große Keule an ihrem Schwanzende ist eine mächtige Waffe, die Groundramon häufig im Kampf benutzen, da sie sehr aggressive und gewalttätige Digimon sind.
- Groundramon is an Earth Dragon Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Ground Dramon". It has giant arms on its back that are said to have mutated from wings, allowing it to more efficiently dig through the ground. It usually lurks within the tunnels it carved deep underground, and seldom comes to the surface. Also, as Groundramon tends to prefer to inhabit veins of the rare Huanglong Ore, it has been discovered that it is very likely to find the elements of Huanglong Ore comprising the scales covering its body. Its personality is extremely ferocious, and as most people lose their life when they encounter one, it is one Digimon for which the details of its ecology are not well understood.
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| - Megaton Hammer Crush
- Scrapless Claw
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| - Groundramon sind grün gefärbte Erddrachendigimon von großen körperlichen Ausmaßen. An Stelle von Flügeln, tragen sie gewaltige Arme mit mächtigen Klauen auf ihrem Rücken. Deswegen können sie nicht fliegen und halten sich so ausschließlich auf dem Erdboden auf. Dort graben sie sich durch gewaltige Tunnel und kommen nur selten an die Oberfläche, eigentlich nur, wenn sie ihrer Beute oder ihren Feinden auflauern. Die große Keule an ihrem Schwanzende ist eine mächtige Waffe, die Groundramon häufig im Kampf benutzen, da sie sehr aggressive und gewalttätige Digimon sind.
- Groundramon is an Earth Dragon Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Ground Dramon". It has giant arms on its back that are said to have mutated from wings, allowing it to more efficiently dig through the ground. It usually lurks within the tunnels it carved deep underground, and seldom comes to the surface. Also, as Groundramon tends to prefer to inhabit veins of the rare Huanglong Ore, it has been discovered that it is very likely to find the elements of Huanglong Ore comprising the scales covering its body. Its personality is extremely ferocious, and as most people lose their life when they encounter one, it is one Digimon for which the details of its ecology are not well understood.
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