| - Baby Kart Wii is the eighth installment in the Baby Kart series. Just like every other Baby Kart game, Baby Kart Wii includes new features such as new race courses, along with other older that appeared in past Baby Kart games, more like its predecessor Baby Kart DS. New items and characters were included, as well as an increased number of players for the races. Baby Kart Wii also introduced the use of bikes that vary in capabilities along with the classical karts. Game modes are also present such as the Grand Prix, Versus, Battle and Time Trial, many of them making use of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for worldwide online play.
| - Baby Kart Wii is the eighth installment in the Baby Kart series. Just like every other Baby Kart game, Baby Kart Wii includes new features such as new race courses, along with other older that appeared in past Baby Kart games, more like its predecessor Baby Kart DS. New items and characters were included, as well as an increased number of players for the races. Baby Kart Wii also introduced the use of bikes that vary in capabilities along with the classical karts. Game modes are also present such as the Grand Prix, Versus, Battle and Time Trial, many of them making use of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for worldwide online play. A Wii Wheel, designed from the ground up for the Wii, is included in every Baby Kart Wii's package because Nintendo aimed that it would make the game more realistic. However, it is compatible with the GameCube Controller, Classic Controller, and the Wii Remote alone (sideways). The game also includes its own Wii Channel, the Baby Kart Channel, in which players can play in special tournaments there and trade their racing profile with others around the world. This game requires 23 blocks on the player's Wii system to save game data. Also, the game data cannot be copied. As a result, players are not able to transfer this game data onto another Wii. The Baby Kart Channel uses 74 to 88 blocks, but unlike the game data, players can copy the channel onto their SD cards. (Amount of blocks the game takes may differ, depending on from which region the game came from.)