| - Solkar served as the first Vulcan ambassador to Earth, though prior to the establishment of a United Earth government. (ENT episode: "The Catwalk") From the formal formation of United Earth in 2130 to 2155, the Vulcan Ambassador to United Earth was Soval. During this period, the Vulcan Ambassador was considered by some to be the "power behind the throne" on Earth, since the word of Vulcan carried great sway with the leaders of the United Earth government. (ENT episodes: "Broken Bow", "The Forge") In 2269, the Vulcan Ambassador to Earth was a male Vulcan named Sytok. (TOS novel: Prime Directive)
| - Solkar served as the first Vulcan ambassador to Earth, though prior to the establishment of a United Earth government. (ENT episode: "The Catwalk") From the formal formation of United Earth in 2130 to 2155, the Vulcan Ambassador to United Earth was Soval. During this period, the Vulcan Ambassador was considered by some to be the "power behind the throne" on Earth, since the word of Vulcan carried great sway with the leaders of the United Earth government. (ENT episodes: "Broken Bow", "The Forge") After the Earth-Romulan War, T'Jan took the position of the Vulcan Ambassafor to Earth. (ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years) The post continued to exist after the formation of the United Federation of Planets in 2161. In 2212, Sarek, the grandson of Solkar, was appointed Vulcan Ambassador to United Earth. It was while serving in this post that Sarek met, and developed an attraction to, his human wife, Amanda Grayson. (TOS novel: Spock's World, TOS movie & novelizations: The Undiscovered Country, Star Trek) They became the parents of Spock in 2230. Sarek also served as Vulcan Ambassador to United Earth in the 2230s and 2240s of the alternate reality created following Nero's destruction of the USS Kelvin. (TOS movie: Star Trek) In 2269, the Vulcan Ambassador to Earth was a male Vulcan named Sytok. (TOS novel: Prime Directive)