| - Als Deniz total fertig von einer durchzechten Nacht zum Shooting kommt, macht Simone ihm eine gepfefferte Ansage. Mit Hilfe eines Aufputschmittels meistert er seinen Auftritt dann doch noch souverän und Deniz hebt immer mehr ab. Er lässt sich in seinem Größenwahn sogar auf Roman ein. Und genau in dem Moment wird er von seinem Vater erwischt... Nadja fühlt sich von Marian Babywunsch überrumpelt. Doch bald sehen die beiden ihre Überreaktion ein und gehen wieder aufeinander zu. Marian will Nadja endlich vertrauen und ahnt nicht, wie groß ihre Gefühle für Richard wirklich sind. Oliver rettet Diana, doch die Sorge der Freunde ist groß. Sie glauben, dass Diana mit ihrer Verletzung und dem daraus resultierenden Ende ihrer Eislaufkarriere nicht klar kommt. Nur Annette ahnt, dass hinter Dianas Zusammenbruch auf dem Eis mehr steckt: Julian. Doch anstatt sich der Trauer um Julian zu stellen, lenkt Diana sich weiter ab...
- El cuatrocientos cincuenta y dos (452) es el número natural que sigue al 451 y precede al 453. Categoría:Números
- It is 2am when Joshua Collins returns to Collinwood. Naomi demands to know why he was at the Old House. She explains that she went there because Millicent claimed he was there with Barnabas. Naomi believes Barnabas is still alive. Joshua denies Barnabas is alive, even though she claims to have heard Barnabas' voice. He explains to Naomi that he was at the Old House with a woman, Bathia Mapes, attempting to exorcise the curse placed by the real witch, Angelique. He says he will go to Judge Hanley to explain that Victoria is not the witch and that the execution should not take place at dusk tomorrow as planned. Peter Bradford returns from Salem and tells Victoria the bad news that he could not find Reverend Trask. The people in Salem all thought he was still in Collinsport. Peter even checked with a number of inns between Collinsport and Salem, and no one had seen Trask. Joshua arrives to give his deepest apologies to Victoria for having misjudged her and to tell her that he will go to Judge Hanley and tell him he must reopen the trial on the grounds that Abigail was not in her right mind and was unreliable when she testified. Joshua repeats this to the stubborn Judge Hanley who goes over the facts that Joshua changed his mind about Victoria's guilt, and that the court also heard Naomi’s testimony in her defense and it did no good at the time. Joshua tells him that Abigail was not in her right mind and was always searching for the devil somewhere. Peter mentions Trask’s note and Hanley says it seems to be in his handwriting, but without Trask present to verify it, the note has to be discounted. Hanley tells Joshua that if he thought Miss Winters was innocent, he would do all in his power to stop the execution, but unless Joshua can produce a new witness, one who can testify that Angelique is indeed the witch, he is powerless. Joshua and Peter return to Victoria's cell and tell her the bad news. Joshua again offers his deepest apologies and leaves. A few minutes later, after the guard ushers Peter out, Peter grabs the guard's pistol and orders him to enter Victoria's cell. Peter hands Victoria the pistol as he attempts to put a gag on the guard, but the guard manages to break free and attempts to take the pistol from Victoria. The pistol goes off in the struggle, and Victoria is hit in the left shoulder. People have heard the gunshot, and Peter and Victoria attempt to leave the jail.