| - During the Time of Chaos before the Gallifreyans became Time Lords, Arcalian Provost Tepesh, Lady Ouida and Arata comprised the Committee of Three: an investigative group authorised by the Gallifreyan Inner Council to look into the work of Cardinal Rassilon. With the aid of the Great Mother of the Sisterhood of Karn and the High Priestess Cassandra, Tepesh broke into Rassilon's Foundry. Inside, he found Rassilon, and quickly discovered evidence of the Cardinal's work to create the ability to regenerate and his efforts to lock all timelines into one cohesive Web of Time. As part of this, Rassilon had found and trapped a force he called the Divergence in a pocket universe, fearing their power to destroy the Web of Time. As an added measure, Rassilon had also made sure that the humanoid form was the only dominant life form in the universe via a series of biogenic mutagens scattered on tens of thousands of worlds. Tepesh, in a fit of fury at Rassilon's ego, revealed that the Committee were in actuality Great Vampires, and that Tepesh was a direct descendant of the King Vampire. Shortly after revealing the Vault where he had imprisoned the Divergence, Rassilon activated a failsafe that firestormed the interior of the Foundry, incinerating Tepesh and the others. (AUDIO: Zagreus)