Ruff Ruffman (voiced by Jim Conroy who plays Kenny the Shark on the show on Discovery Kids) is the self-centered, and Jewish dog who hosts the show, conveying the challenges presented by the animated Fetch 3000 computer. He is very scared of cats, so he tortures and berates his manager's niece's cat, Blossom, and has a crush on a poodle named Charlene who lives next door. Ruff grouses about his contract to produce a reality TV program, and the stresses of running one. He loves all food, American-Chinese take-out, especially Mushu Pork. His physical appearance features a giant nose and a yamaka . His Assistant is Blossom
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| - Ruff Ruffman (voiced by Jim Conroy who plays Kenny the Shark on the show on Discovery Kids) is the self-centered, and Jewish dog who hosts the show, conveying the challenges presented by the animated Fetch 3000 computer. He is very scared of cats, so he tortures and berates his manager's niece's cat, Blossom, and has a crush on a poodle named Charlene who lives next door. Ruff grouses about his contract to produce a reality TV program, and the stresses of running one. He loves all food, American-Chinese take-out, especially Mushu Pork. His physical appearance features a giant nose and a yamaka . His Assistant is Blossom
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| - Blossom Chet Fleape Charlene And Netanyahu
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| - Ruff Ruffman (voiced by Jim Conroy who plays Kenny the Shark on the show on Discovery Kids) is the self-centered, and Jewish dog who hosts the show, conveying the challenges presented by the animated Fetch 3000 computer. He is very scared of cats, so he tortures and berates his manager's niece's cat, Blossom, and has a crush on a poodle named Charlene who lives next door. Ruff grouses about his contract to produce a reality TV program, and the stresses of running one. He loves all food, American-Chinese take-out, especially Mushu Pork. His physical appearance features a giant nose and a yamaka . His Assistant is Blossom Visit website: www/magicel with ruff ruffman The FETCH! Finele