| - Coruscant (pronounced /'kɔɹəsɑnt/), known in antiquity as Notron, also known as Imperial Center, was a planet located in the Galactic Core. It was generally agreed that Coruscant was the most politically important world in the history of the galaxy, and it was the capital of the Galactic Republic, and later that of the Galactic Empire. Over centuries, the planted developed into an ecumenopolis, with a total of 5,127 levels of city built up from the crust by the time of the Clone Wars. The actual planet-wide metropolis of Coruscant was called Galactic City. Under the Galactic Republic, the names Republic City or the City of Spires were also used to reference the city. It was also called Imperial City under the Galactic Empire. However, in practice, Galactic City and its other names were sometimes applied to the Senate District, the central government center and de facto capital of Coruscant.