| - The Yellow Wood Wall is a sand yellow wooden building-block. It can be crafted in your Crafting Menu (default key "Q") or at Crafting Tables (that still exist in worlds created before R22 on September 16th 2015), but only after the crafting-recipe has been unlocked upon taking/crafting a block of Wood Wall for the first time (which is unlocked when taking Cragwood, usually from a Cragwood tree). To craft 8 (blocks of) Yellow Wood Wall, you'll need (as of R27 in January 2016):
* 2 Wood Slabs made of any kind of Wood or Logs in a Processor
* 1 Yellow Pigment made of Yellow Flowers from Cragwood-trees in a Processor or found in Obsidian Treasure Chests Attention: Yellow Wood Walls are flammable! When placing Yellow Wood Walls into hot environments close to (or especially directly above) torches or fiery blocks (like Hardened Lava), Yellow Wood Walls can easily start to burn. Liquid Lava or Fire Bombs will immediately set them on fire. If Yellow Wood Walls start burning, also other flammable blocks nearby can catch fire, and this way a whole wooden house or forest (especially Wildwood, Parchwood and Shorewood) can burn down in hot biomes like Jungles, Savannahs, Shores or on the Lava layer. Fire cannot be extinguished currently (as of R27 in January 2016), it can only be stopped from spreading by creating forest aisles/swaths wide enough so the flames cannot leap over.