| - Joke Programs are non-viral, non-spreading, mostly harmless programs that do not really cause any damage to computers. They tend to cause more panic in the computer user rather than damage to the computer. None are self-replicating, although they could be conceivably carried with a virus or worm.
- There are a variety of supervillains that are enemies of the Super Friends that are "joke" themed villains; such as Joker, Prankster and Mr. Mxyzptlk. When Batman approached the residence of Minimus Mole and asked her if their was a tree and a boulder in the clearing outside her house that morning, she asks if this is "some kind of joke. When Doctor Hiram Gulliver tells Mr. Vanderbulge he's going to borrow his sapphire, he then laughs, thinking it was a joke, he then says: "That's a good one."
- from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Joke]] iocus
- A joke is... THIS ARTICLE! knock knock who's thar. A PIE! -throws a pie in your face- Misspelling mispelling. Now walk it out, walk it out, now walk it out, walk it out!
- Joke is a female RuneScape player, and the alternate account of Mod Trance. She is also a dual moderator (a Forum Moderator and a Player Moderator).
- Más conocido como Capitán Joke (キャプテンジョーク Kyaputen Jōku?), es el principal antagonista del primer especial de televisión, " Adventure in the Ocean's Navel". Es un pirata que sobrevive como fantasma para proteger su tesoro.
- Le Capitaine Joke (ジョーク, Jōku) était le principal antagoniste de l'émission spéciale "Aventure au Nombril de l'Océan".
- There are 2 basic parts of a joke: 1.
* the set up 2.
* the punchline
* An Example of "A Really Good Joke"
* The Set up...A Sunni, a Shi'ite and a Kurd blow up a bar... Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Joke"is a part of Wikiality.com's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
- Captain Joke was the captain of a crew that reached the Ocean's Naval ten years before the current storyline.Due to his actions, he is considered the main antagonist of the first special episode.
- Joke è il capitano di una ciurma pirata che ha raggiunto l'ombelico dell'oceano dieci anni prima dell'arrivo dei Pirati di Cappello di paglia.
- A Joke is something funny or ridiculous. For examples see Uncyclopedia and Conservapedia. Further jokes are: 1.
* Donald Trump 2.
* Sarah Palin 3.
* Ann Coulter 4.
* Bill O'Reilly 5.
* George W. Bush 6.
* Andrew Schlafly 7.
* Roger Schlafly 8.
* Phyllis Schlafly 9.
* L Ron Hubbard 10.
* Republican Party 11.
* Creationism 12.
* Fox News A great joke to make your friends laugh (if they're smart) is to show The Fun Sections of RationalWiki,
- In 2268, Ensign Pavel Chekov reported that the Enterprise would be only one parsec away from a Klingon outpost, "close enough to smell them". As Commander Spock explained that odours cannot travel through the vacuum of space, Chekov claimed it was "just a little joke". Spock replied, "Extremely little". Not long after this, Cyrano Jones was attempting to sell tribbles aboard Deep Space Station K-7. His asking price was ten credits and when the barman tried to bargain, eventually going to four credits, Jones asked "Is that an offer or a joke?" The barman replied that it was an offer and Jones countered "That's a joke." (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles" )