"Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers" was a manga which ran in TV Magazine, an accompaniment to the first year of the Transformers toyline and cartoon in Japan, both of which were also branded with this ostentatious title. The manga took place shortly after the end of season 2 of the The Transformers cartoon, but before the events of the "Scramble City" OVA. The narrative revolved around the Autobots and their new Japanese friend, a boy named Kenji. The stories were completely episodic, with one never leading into another.
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| - Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers (manga)
| - "Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers" was a manga which ran in TV Magazine, an accompaniment to the first year of the Transformers toyline and cartoon in Japan, both of which were also branded with this ostentatious title. The manga took place shortly after the end of season 2 of the The Transformers cartoon, but before the events of the "Scramble City" OVA. The narrative revolved around the Autobots and their new Japanese friend, a boy named Kenji. The stories were completely episodic, with one never leading into another.
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| - "Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers" was a manga which ran in TV Magazine, an accompaniment to the first year of the Transformers toyline and cartoon in Japan, both of which were also branded with this ostentatious title. The manga took place shortly after the end of season 2 of the The Transformers cartoon, but before the events of the "Scramble City" OVA. Taking place within the continuity of the cartoon series, the manga introduced a few concepts which explained away the odd "logic error" here and there or simply added further background to the characters. A few of these notable additions:
* The Autobot Road, an underground mass-transit highway which helped the Autobots drive from one end of the planet to the other so quickly.
* Optimus Prime admits to considering Ultra Magnus as his "kid brother."
* The Ark is apparently located in Arizona.
* Various role-playing toys, such as transforming wristwatches and voice-changer helmets, are given a canonical function in the series as equipment used by Kenji.
* The Decepticons murder a puppy. For real. The narrative revolved around the Autobots and their new Japanese friend, a boy named Kenji. The stories were completely episodic, with one never leading into another.