Timberwolves are wolf-type monsters that are featured in Fate.
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| - Die Timberwolf ist ein Scharfschützengewehr, welches nur in Militärgebieten gefunden werden kann. Sie benötigt das Timberwolf Magazin , welches eine Kapazität von 6 Schuss hat.
- Timberwolves are wolf-type monsters that are featured in Fate.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is D9D6CF
| - Ashstar-Pretty gray she-cat with blue eyes
- Blackstar-Huge white tom with large jet-black paws
- Bramblestar-Large Dark Brown Tabby Tom With Amber eyes
- Mistystar-Blue-gray she-cat with piercing blue eyes
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| - Scorchpaw-dark gray to with orange eyes
Redpaw-mottled brown and ginger tom with gray eyes
Flamepaw-small dark ginger tom with green eyes
Tigerpaw-dark golden brown tabby tom
Dawnpaw-creamy light gray she-cat
- Briarpaw-Dark Brown She-cat with golden eyes
Blossompaw-Tortoiseshell and white she-cat with pale blue eyes
Bumblepaw-Pale gray tom with yellow eyes and many black stripes like a bee
Heatherpaw-Light brown tabby she-cat with one heather-blue eye and one amber eye
Newtpaw-Mottled dark brown tom with pale green eyes
Waterpaw-Tortoiseshell she-cat with very pale blue eyes, blind in one
- Sootpaw-mottled gray tom with amber eyes
Pinkpaw-pale ginger she-cat with green eyes and a bright pink nose
Jaypaw-light gray tabby tom with blue eyes and a white paw
- Pricklepaw-pale brown tabby she-cat with pale green eyes
Grasspaw-gray tom with green eyes
Beetlepaw-mottled brown tom with green eyes and darker stripes of fur
Petalpaw-white she-cat with blue eyes and a strikingly pink nose
Mallowpaw-light brown tabby tom with blue eyes
Sneezepaw-gray tom
Copperpaw-dark giner she-cat with blue eyes
Hexidecimal Code
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Shade of
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| - Morningflower-very old tortoiseshell queen
Webfoot-Dark gray tabby tom
- Cederheart-Dark gray tomcat
Tallpoppy-Long legged light brown tabby she-cat
- Heavystep-thickest tabby tom
Swallowtail-Dark tabby she-cat with green eyes
Stonestream-gray tomcat
- Longtail-Pale tabby tom with black stripes, retired early due to blindness
Mousefur-Small dusky brown she-cat
Dustpelt-Dark brown tabby tom
Sandstorm-Pale Ginger She Cat
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| - Canadian sniper rifle chambered in Timberwolf ammunition.
Named after
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| - Dapplenose-mottled gray she-cat
- Snowbird-Pure white she-cat
- Daisy-Frail creamy colored she-cat with very pale blue eyes
Poppyfrost-Tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes
- Willowclaw-pale gray she-cat
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| - Russetfur-Dark Ginger she-cat
- Tornear-Gray tabby tom
- Blackclaw- Smoky Black Tom
- Brackenfur-Golden Brown Tabby Tom with Blue eyes
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| - Littlecloud-Very small tabby tomApprentice, Flamepaw
- Kestralflight-Gray-Brown tom with white splotches
- Willowshine-Pale gray tabby she-catApprentice,Pricklepaw
- Jayfeather-Gray tabby tom with blue eyesApprentice, Bumblepaw
| - Voletooth-Small brown tabby tomApprentice, Grasspaw
Reedwhisker-Black tomcat
Mosspelt-Tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes
Beechfur-Light Brown TomApprentice, Beetlepaw
Rippletail-Dark gray tabby tomApprentice, Mallowpaw
Dawnflower-Pale gray she-catApprentice, Petalpaw
Pouncetail-Ginger-and-white tom
Graymist-Pale Gray tabby she-cat
Mintfur-light gray tabby tom
Otterheart-Dark brown she-catApprentice, Sneezepaw
Pinefur-Very short-haired tabby she-cat
Rainstorm-Mottled gray-blue tom
Duskfur-brown tabby she-catApprentice, Copperpaw
Minnowstream-Fluffy Gray and white she-cat
Pebblefang-Handsome mottled Gray tabby tom
Nettletooth-dark brown tabby tom
Robinclaw- tortioseshell and white tom with bright Blue eyes
- Crowfeather-Dark gray, almost black tom
Owlwhisker-light brown tabby tom
Whitetail-small white she-cat
Nightcloud-Black she-cat with green eyes
Weaselfur-ginger tom with white pawsApprentice, Sootpaw
Harespring-brown and white tom
Gorsetail-very pale gray and white she-cat with blue eyes
Heathertail-Pretty light brown tabby she-cat with hazy heather-blue eyesApprentice, Pinkpaw
Breezepelt-Black tom with amber eyesApprentice, Jaypaw
Leaftail-dark brown tom
Dewspots-Spotted gray tabby she-cat
Emberfoot-gray tom with two darker paws
Willowclaw-Pale gray she-cat
Antpelt-brown tom with one black ear
Sunstream-tortoiseshell and white she-cat with a large white mark on her head
Thistlespots-long haired golden brown tabby and white tom
Swallowflight-dark gray tabby she-cat
Sedgepelt'-light brown tabby tom with white patches and blue eyes
- Cloudtail-Long Furred white tom with blue eyes
Thornclaw-Golden Brown Tabby Tom with green eyes
Squirrelflight-Dark ginger she-cat with one white forepaw and pale green eyes
Sorreltail-Tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with amber eyes
Brightheart-White she-cat with Ginger patchesApprentice, Waterpaw
Spiderleg-Long Limbed Black tom with brown underbelly and Amber eyes
Birchfall-Light Brown Tabby Tom with pale eyes
Graystripe-Long-Haired Solid Gray tom with a darker stripe running down his back
Berrynose-Cream colored tom with amber eyes
Mousewhisker-Gray and white tom with green eyes
Cinderheart-fluffy gray she-cat with blue eyes
Lionblaze-Golden Brown tabby tom with amber eyesApprentice, Newtpaw
Foxtooth-Reddish-Brown Tabby Tom with gray eyesApprentice, Briarpaw
Whitewing-White she-cat with green eyes
Ferncloud-Pale gray she-cat with green eyes
Rosepelt-Dark cream she-catApprentice, Blossompaw
Toadspring-Black and white tom
Dovestream-Fluffy pale gray she-cat with green eyesApprentice, Heatherpaw
Coyotewing-silvery-gray tom with blue eyes
- Oakfur-Small brown tomApprentice, Tigerpaw
Rowanclaw-Ginger tom with blue eyes and tabby stripes
Smokefoot-Jet Black tom
Tawnypelt-Tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Ivytail-Tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with black splotchesApprentice, Dawnpaw
Toadfoot-Dark mottled brown tom
Crowfrost-Black and White tom
Kinkfur-Tabby she-cat with uneven fur that sticks out in all angles
Ratscar-brown tom with long scars that run down his back
Snaketail-Dark brown tabby tom witha specially striped tailApprentice, Scorchpaw
Whitewater-white she-cat with long fur, blind in one eyeApprentice, Redpaw
Owlclaw-Light brown tabby tom
Olivetail-Tortoiseshell she-cat with dark green eyes
Shrewpelt-Gray she-cat with black paws and blue eyes
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| - Die Timberwolf ist ein Scharfschützengewehr, welches nur in Militärgebieten gefunden werden kann. Sie benötigt das Timberwolf Magazin , welches eine Kapazität von 6 Schuss hat.
- Timberwolves are wolf-type monsters that are featured in Fate.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is D9D6CF