| - Marcus Roscoe, an old man using black magic to steal the bodies of younger people, ends up stealing Angel's. Hilarity Ensues.
* All Men Are Perverts: Wesley and Gunn get into an argument over who should conduct inquiries at a high-class escort agency. They keep snatching the address from each other until Cordy takes it herself.
* Backhanded Compliment
* Bait and Switch Comment: At the end of the episode Angel finally sits down with Fred to give her the Better as Friends speech, only to discover Cordelia has already filled her in, feeling Angel would just make a mess of it anyway. Also Angel's Patrick Stewart Speech turning into a "right behind you" gag.
* Brick Joke / Call Back: To "Guise will be Guise" (an episode which was also about someone impersonating Angel) with "I'm not a eunuch!"
* Catch Phrase: Marcus says "Have I ever told you, you are a very beautiful woman?" to Cordy, Lilah and Fred. Cordy is unimpressed by the tacky line, assuming 'Angel' is just trying to butter her up so as to avoid discussing the Fred issue. Fred and Lilah are more succeptible to Marcus' charms.
* Chekhov's Gun: A male nurse tells Angel-in-Marcus that he's suffered his fourth heart attack, and he may not survive another one. We last see Marcus (back in his own body) undergoing another heart attack.
* Conveniently-Timed Attack From Behind: Angel is giving Marcus the Patrick Stewart Speech.
* Corner of Woe: Cordelia finds Fred crying in the elevator after seeing 'Angel' making out with Lilah.
* Covert Pervert: Marcus uses this excuse to explain why he's looking at the gym club through binoculars -- he's actually selecting his next victim.
* Description Cut: Angel snarking about his colleagues, "Some people don't know how to have fun any more." Cut to Marcus in bed with two beautiful women.
* Distracted by the Sexy: Cordelia interviewing witnesses at the gym.
* Don't Sneak Up On Me Like That: Fred on Cordelia -- apparently it's happened before because Gunn says, "Hi Fred" without even looking up from his video game when Cordy shrieks.
* Dramatic Irony: Fred tells Angel that the pain and heartbreak of love is something to be avoided. Then Cordelia bursts in with the news that Buffy is Not Quite Dead.
* Enemy Mine: On discovering a rival attorney's plan to have Angel Investigations cited for building code violations, Lilah Morgan has the requisite documents forged and hands them over to Angel.
* Everyone Loves Blondes: Except Cordelia, who can't resist getting in a jab at Angel's liking for 'cheap blondes' (e.g. Buffy and Darla). When Fred tells her Angel was actually making out with a brunette, Cordy agrees he's definitely Not Himself.
* Fan Service: The teaser features a shirtless hunk in bed with two lingerie-clad escort girls. Becomes Fan Disservice when the hunk turns into a heap. Of collapsed skin.
* Foe Yay: Lilah Morgan doesn't take much convincing to start tearing open Angel's shirt and make out with him on Wesley's desk.
* Game Face: Marcus vamps out and bites Lilah in the heat of passion. Lilah isn't prepared to get that kinky, even if Vampires Are Sex Gods.
* Grand Theft Me
* Hell-Bent for Leather: After realising he's a vampire, Marcus changes into the Black Leather Pants of Evil. Clearly it was mentioned in one of those books on Angelus he looked up.
* Hollywood Heart Attack: Angel tries to sneak out of the old people's home in Marcus' body, but the stress gives him a heart attack. He later lies in bed staring at his blipping heart monitor. When Marcus is put back in his own body, he gets so angry that he has another heart attack, implied to be fatal.
* Hypocritical Humor
* Angel gets snarky when his friends won't join him for a Charlton Heston double feature.
* I Can't See Myself
* Kill and Replace: Having found a body that will never wear out or die, Marcus returns to the old people's home to kill his old body so he can stay in Angel's permanently.
* Lady in Red: Marcus tells Fred to put on something pretty so they can go out. Fred comes down in a little red dress.
* Living Forever Is Awesome: Marcus once he finds out he's a vampire.
* Love Hurts: Fred's Despair Speech when she realises a relationship with Angel can't happen.
* Man Hug: Marcus joyfully hugs Wesley when he realises that Fred is a girl. With lots of manly back-slapping.
* The Mirror Shows Your True Self: Marcus can't understand what happened with Lilah until he feels his suddenly bumpy face, then looks in a mirror to find out why he changed -- and sees nothing there.
* Mistaken for Gay: Marcus hears about a romantic entanglement with someone named "Fred", looks down at what Angel is wearing and mutters, "Obviously." This causes him to try to break up with Wesley before he figures out that Fred is a girl.
* Mistaken for Servant: Marcus assumes Gunn is a delivery boy when he turns up with burritos. Fortunately Gunn just assumes he's covering the tab when Marcus tucks the money in his pocket and tells him to keep the change.
* Most Definitely Not a Villain: Marcus talks in Private Eye Monologue cliches, though not enough to get more than a few odd looks.
* The Movie Buff: Angel gets excited over seeing Soylent Green and The Omega Man.
* Not Himself: Angel eats burritos, flirts with women, complains about the gang getting hold of telephone bills illegally and has a rather 'odd' talk with Wesley. All he gets is a few puzzled glances until he a) hurts Fred by b) making out with a brunette on a desk, and c) the clincher -- when everyone else assumes Angelus has returned, Wesley points out that, whether Angel or Angelus, he wouldn't need to look up books about vampires.
* Oblivious Mockery: Fred is raving over going to the movies with Angel -- a date in all but name.
* Oh Crap: Angel-in-Marcus's body is told his son has signed in. He looks up and sees Marcus-in-Angel's body grinning at him.
* Punch Catch: Marcus trying out his new Super Strength by fighting at the disco.
* Precocious Crush / Rescue Romance: Fred is smitten with Angel, who is reluctant to confront her over it, first because he doesn't want to hurt Fred and secondly because he appears to enjoy the flattering company.
* Power Glows
* Professionals Do It on Desks: Angel makes out with Lilah on Wesley's desk.
* Ship Sinking: Fred/Angel dies an early death. In canon, that is.
* Sorry to Interrupt: Fred is devastated when she thinks Angel is asking her out, only to walk in on him making out with Lilah. afterwards Cordy finds her babbling, "I should've knocked. I always forget to knock because, you know, I didn't have a door for so long."
* Smash Cut
* Spot the Imposter: Team Wesley barge in on Angel vs. Marcus.
* Static Stun Gun: Cordelia uses a taser to knock out Marcus-in-Angel's body.
* Tempting Fate: Angel just laughs when Marcus starts casting his spell, thinking it won't work against him. Furious after Angel bites her, Lilah says he's never going to get that close to her again.
* Trouble Entendre: Inverted; Lilah tells her secretary at Wolfram & Hart to call the 'graphic artist'. She doesn't understand until Lilah just tells her to look under F for 'forger'.
* Unperson: Gavin points out that Angel doesn't exist officially -- no social security number, no tax payer ID, no last name -- so he can't use official channels to fight Wolfram & Hart's petty harassment.
* Vampire Invitation: Angel has a problem when Marcus only motions him into his room, until he says impatiently, "Come in if you're coming."
* What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic
* Woman Scorned: Fred gives an unconscious Marcus an extra wallop. Angel has to live with the sore head afterwards.
* Wham! Line: "Angel, Willow's on the phone... She's alive! Buffy's alive!"