| - Tempus (pronounced TEM-pus), also known as the Lord of Battles, was the god of war. His dogma was primarily concerned with honorable battle, forbidding cowardice and encouraging the use of force of arms to settle disputes.
- Tempus to demon najwyższych hierarchii, który potrafił manipulować czasem. Wiadomo o nim, że jest demonem współpracującym bezpośrednio ze Źródłem Wszelkiego Zła. Odgrywany był przez David Carradine.
- Tempus is a supervillan on the television show Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. He was portrayed by Lane Davies. He was a dangerous insane sociopath from the future and also one of the few villains to survive knowing Superman's true identity.
- Tempus is a ghost from an alternate future where he has taken over the world.
- Tempus est l'un des plus puissants sorciers des enfers, et un proche de la Source.
- Tempus, also known as the Lord of Battle and Foehammer, is a chaotic neutral greater deity of war. He is random in his favors and may manifest before a battle, appearing on one side or the other. He has two horses, a white mare named Veiros and a black stallion named Deiros. If he rides the former, success is assured. If he rides the latter however, the army will lose the battle. Most often he will ride both at the same time, with one foot on each, indicating the chaotic nature of battle. He is served by the Red Knight.
- It premiered on October 7th, 2011.
- Tempus Cards are an archetype appearing in Yu-Gi-Oh! EXEL. In total, there are 16 Tempus cards. Each card has a partner, with 8 pairs in total.
- Tempus is the name of a fictional drug in multiple works of science fiction:
- Tempus is the god worshiped by the barbarions of the north. He is a greater god of war and chaos he hales from the plane of limbo. When he shows himself on the materal plane he is an imposiblely musled 12 ft tall man in heavy plate armor
- Tempus is selectable as a patron diety for player characters. Worshippers of Tempus are referred to as Tempurans.
- Name: Tempus Divine rank: greater deity Title(s): Lord of Battles, Foehammer Symbol: a flaming silver sword on a blood-red shield Home plane: Alignment: chaotic neutral Portfolio: battle, warriors Worshipers: Worshiper alignment: any alignment Cleric alignment: LG, NG, CG, LN, CN, LE, NE, CE Domains: chaos, protection, strength, war Favored weapon: "Battle Prowess" (battleaxe) Festivals:
* Honoring the Dead (Moonfest)
- Tempus is a moderator on Club Penguin Rewritten. He takes pleasure in telling stories, but never finishing them.
- Tempus, also known as the Devil's Sorcerer, was a powerful and respected Demonic Sorcerer with the ability to manipulate time. He answered directly to the Source of All Evil.
- Tempus is a 2016 fantasy horror film directed by TBA.
- Tempus (gesprochen TEM-pus, auch bekannt als Herr der Schlachten oder Feindeshammer ist der Gott des Krieges. Sein Dogma richtet sich vor allem auf die Ehre im Kampf, es verbietet Feigheit und unterstützt die Benutzung von Waffen, um Konflikte zu lösen.
- 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Tempusa Tempus (tem-pus) zarządza wojną, a łaską obdarza dość kapryśnie. Zawsze podróżuje na grzbiecie bliźniaczych wierzchowców - Verios, białej klaczy i Deriosa, czarnego ogiera. Jego chaotyczna natura sprawia, iż jednakowo sprzyja wszystkim uczestnikom zbrojnego konfliktu, zdarza się więc, że jednego dnia wspiera jednych, a następnego drugich. Żołnierze dowolnego charakteru modlą się do niego przed rozpoczęciem bitwy.
- right|300px - Testversion, In Bearbeitung; Verantwortliche für diesen Artikel: Cisilen Sin'Dal Canhaya- .
- Tempus, also known as Tempos by the barbarians in the north, is the god of war, battles also known as the Lord of Battles. His dogma is about honourable battles, forbidding cowardice, and the use of force of arms to settle disputes. His worshippers are warriors, barbarians and priests devoted to him.