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- Blaster (ポンポン Pon-pon'?) – badnik, który pojawia się w grach Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic 3 & Knuckles oraz Sonic Lost World. Sposobem ataku i wygląem przypomina Blastoida.
- Blaster is the tritagonist of G-Force. He is voiced by Tracy Morgan.
- The Blaster's power sets are: Primary: Ranged Secondary: Support The Blaster has Low Hit Points and High Damage.
- Blaster (ポンポン Pon-Pon?) is a recurring enemy in Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a mass-produced, beetle-based Badnik model created by Dr. Eggman which can fire different types of projectiles from their cannon-like horns.
- The Blasters are standard issue weaponry for Lord Dragaunus's henchman.
- thumb|250px|Blaster. Blaster es un personaje de la película G Force. Es un especialista en explosiones. Categoría:Personajes de G Force Categoría:Personajes Categoría:Hámsters
- The Blaster worm, also known as Lovesan, created havoc in late summer of 2003 with widespread Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, with damage totaling in the hundreds of millions. It is also notable for two hidden text strings, one that says "I just want to say LOVE YOU SAN!" (from which it receives one of its aliases) and a message to Microsoft CEO Bill Gates. It appeared within less than a month before one of the major variants of the Sobig worm.
- Blaster on Gadgetronin kehittämä pistooli ja Ratchet & Clankin sarjatuliase. Siitä on myös Gold-versio. Sen voi ostaa ensimmäistä kertaa Kerwan -planeetalla.
- The blaster is the basic weapon. It's free, like the rifle, but it isn't very useful: it's slow, and the shots are not very effective against aliens. It can be a reserve force, when you are running to your base without ammo/health, but you can't do very much with it.
- Blaster is a 26 year old Blastoise who is getting ready to marry a female Blastoise named Blizilla. They already have 2 children, both male Squirtles.
- A blaster is a weapon that fires bursts of particle beam energy using replaceable power cells. Nearly all people in the Star Wars Universe own or have utilized blasters. Blasters range in size from small Blaster Pistols to a large, starship-mounted Blaster Cannons. The blaster is one of the main Weapons in Star Wars All Factions in the Star Wars universe utilize Blasters. This article is a . You can help The Lightsaber Wiki by expanding it.
- Blaster (called Blaster Shot in Super Smash Bros.) is Fox's, Falco's, and Wolf's Neutral Special Move. The attack consists of firing shots from a laser gun to damage far away opponents. All three fighters have different variations of the Blaster.
- A blaster was a type of weapon, more specifically a directed energy weapon that operated by creating "blasts" of energy that cause damage to matter. Some popular hand-held weapon configurations of blasters included hand blasters (blaster pistols) and blaster rifles, as well as differing calibers of blaster emitters, including blaster cannons and blaster banks which could be used as mounted weapons on starships and other vehicles. A blaster pistol was a common Romulan side arm in 2276. (TOS novel: The Romulan Way)
- Der Blaster eine Primärwaffe aus Splatoon und kann ab Stufe 9 für 3.50020px bei Arty im Kalmarsenal erworben werden.
- The Blaster worm (also known as Lovsan or Lovesan) was a computer worm that spread on computers running the Microsoft operating systems Windows XP and Windows 2000, during August 2003. The worm exploits the DCOM RPC vulnerability in Microsoft Windows described in MS Security Bulletin MS03-026. Blaster is written in C using the LCC compiler. The worm is a Windows PE EXE file about 6KB (compressed via UPX - 11KB when decompressed).
- Because of his heavy weapon, Blaster does not get to fight enemy towers oftern - instead, his important role is to clear enemy NPCs to allow his teammates and NPCs to get to enemy towers quicker. The RPG-7 is very effective against enemy NPCs, and can, albeit rarely, score one-hit KOs on enemy players, otherwise cutting the health of the player significantly.
- Blaster, also known as Lovesan is an internet worm. It created havoc in late summer of 2003 with widespread Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, with damage totaling in the hundreds of millions. It is also notable for two hidden text strings, one that says "I just want to say LOVE YOU SAN!" (from which it receives one of its aliases) and a message to the Microsoft owner Bill Gates that says "billy gates why do you make this possible ? Stop making money and fix your software!!" It appeared within less than a month before one of the major variants of the Sobig worm.
- Blaster (jap. ポンポン Pon-Pon) sind Badniks aus den Spielen Sonic & Knuckles und Sonic the Hedgehog 3 sowie später in Sonic Lost World.
- Blaster is an informal power classification that refers to a mutant or other paranormal with powers particularly suited for mid/long-range assault and bombardment. Gunny Bardue laconically refers to blasters as "walking artillery." Notable blasters in the Whateley Universe include Tennyo, Golden Girl, and Prism. Most blasters manifest an external energizer trait. Certain mages can also perform effectively as blasters, such as Diamondback.
- The Blaster is a weapon in Splatoon.
- The original lego blasters were made with a black megaphone-shaped piece with a transparent orange stud on the tip of them. These were from 1999 to 2006, when they changed them to a newer 1-piece version of the gun. This type of gun was also included in one set in 2007, but was discontinued after that.
- [[Bild:Blaster.jpg|left|thumb|200px|Der Blaster von Han Solo.]]
- Added on August 14, 2015. Heroes Level 15 unlock a unique class ability. Heroes with this current class attains this ability below.
- thumb|258px|Der Blaster "Der Blaster ist eine gute Allzweck-Waffe. Auch wenn das Angebot begrenzt ist, 'ist seine Feuerrate ideal für die Eliminierung von Gegnern auf kurze bis mittlere Distanzen" Der Blaster war eine Waffe, die von der Gadgetron erfunden wurde, um mit Gegnern jeder Art fertig zu werden. Er konnte bis zu 200 Energieladungen verschießen und die Geschosse waren zudem gering zielsuchend. Gadgetron bot ihn zum ersten mal auf Kerwan für 2.500 Bolts an. Grummelnet klaute den Entwurf und fertigte daraus ihre Konstruktopistole. Für 20.000 Bolts und 4 Gold Bolts konnte man sich den Gold Blaster holen.
- Ein Blaster ist ein tragbare handliche Waffe, die mit Energiezellen-Magazine geladen sind. Die Energie wird als Licht gebündelt und abgefeuert. Die Blasterschüsse können von einem Laserschwert abgeblockt und sogar zum Schützen zurückreflektiert werden.
- When Gantu locks Experiment 626 in prison, twin blasters are aimed and locked onto 626's genetic signature to keep him in place. Realising the blasters are locked onto his genetics, Experiment 626 spits at the wall. The blasters follow his spit and shoot a hole in the wall, through which 626 escapes. As 626 makes his escape, the twin blasters attempt to hit him, but miss.
- Questa particolare abilità magica è la specialità dei mostri conosciuti come iaguari, e sono pochi i titoli in cui non sia associata ad essi. In alcune rare occasioni, un giocatore può apprenderla come magia blu. Blaster è una tecnica molto pericolosa che può infliggere diversi status negativi o addirittura morte istantanea al bersaglio.
- A blaster is a miscellaneous item cut from the final version of Fallout 2.
- Blaster is a member of the Resistance whom is of the Warrior branch. They use a special two-handed weapon, the Arm Cannon, as their primary weapon while using Charges as their secondary. Blaster have two types of resources, Bullets and the Dynamo Gauge. Blasters uses the skill Magnum Punch as the default melee attack. Another skill, Revolving Cannon, can be used simultaneously to cause additional damage and charge the Dynamo Gauge by 1 at the cost of bullets. Once the Gauge is full, Bunker Buster Explosion, a devestating skill, can be used.
- Blaster var en dækkende betegnelse for afstandsvåben, der affyrede energistråler af variabel styrke. De fandtes i utallige variationer fra små håndpistoler, til tunge kanoner monteret på rumskibe og andre fartøjer. Det var delvist derfor at blastere var langt de mest udbredte våben i galaksen. Almindelige borgere kunne på nogle planeter godt eje en håndpistol til selvforsvar, mens rifler og tungere blastervåben var for det meste forbeholdt soldater. Blastere gjorde projektilvåben overflødige, da de kunne trænge igennem flere materialer og mere effektivt. thumb|Almindelig blasterpistolthumb|Blasterriffel brugt af imperiale soldater Kategori:Våben
- Der Blaster ist die meistgebrauchte Waffe in der Galaxie. Es gibt ihn in unterschiedlichen Gewehrs- und Pistolenvariationen. Er wird mit Tibannagas gekühlt, das unter anderem auf Bespin stark verbreitet vorkommt.
- Der Blaster ist die meistgebrauchte Waffe in der Galaxie. Es gibt ihn in unterschiedlichen Gewehrs- und Pistolenvariationen. Er wird mit Tibannagas gekühlt, das unter anderem auf Bespin stark verbreitet vorkommt.
- In Spectrobes, Blasters are one of the types of weapons used by Rallen in battle. Blasters are used by pressing the Y button, and some have homing, multi-shot or explosive projectiles. They deal a specific amount of damage to any target they hit, ignoring the target's defense value. Firing it depletes three units, or three quaters, of the command gauge.
- Jak first received the Blaster from Krew after completing the mission "Destroy turrets in sewers", at which point he had to complete a gun course training session to learn how to use it. In Jak 3, Damas awarded Jak the Blaster upgrade after the mission "Earn 1st war amulet". In The Lost Frontier, Jak received this gunstaff upgrade from the Aeropans in the Danger Course to prove he could protect the eco seeker at all costs. The gunstaff Blaster functions identically to the Morph Gun Blaster, but has a different appearance due to operating on a different weapon.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ The Blaster is the slowest weapon and shoots the largest shells in-game. This part is only used by the tanks with "H" sign. It costs 4700 G.
- Les Blasters sont accrochés aux murs du Pas de Tir dans l'Espace Profond. Ils sont programmés pour attaquer toute personne étrangère au vaisseau: c'est le cas d'Aqua, de Terra et de Ventus. Des Blasters à trois canons apparaîssent dans la Capsule prison: l'Expérience 221 les contrôlera afin de s'en servir lors de son duel face a Terra.
- Blaster научно-фантастическая винтовка в игре Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies, которую можно получить только через Зашифрованный ящик.
- Blaster is a Raven seen in Armored Core: Master of Arena. He is a member of the Sub-Arena.
- Compound Blaster can refer to any of a number of weapons produced primarily by the Pyrogenesis corporation. The various forms of the Compound Blaster have been the standard defense armament for Federation ships for the past 300 years. Utilizing a magnetic containment bottle to collect photon packets before release, the Compound Blaster is capable of generating a kinetic impulse disproportionatly large for a weapon of its meager power requirements. The Compound Blaster is available in light, medium, and heavy variants, as well as turreted versions of each size.
- The Blaster is a general science fiction term for projected energy weapons. In the Star Fox series, the Blaster is an advanced energy firing pistol that is kept often by Fox, Falco, and Wolf. Many different affilitions in the Lylat System have been seen in possession of their own Blasters, from the Cornerian Army, to their frequent enemies the Venomian Army. The Star Fox Team wield their own Blasters, customised by Slippy Toad.
- thumbleftBlaster (ポンポン, Pon-pon en Japón) es un badnik creado por el Doctor Robotnik. Puede encontrarse rodando alrededor en Flying Battery Zone de Sonic & Knuckles.
- For a list of all dart blasters, see . For a list of all Nerf blasters, see . A blaster is a foam projectile firing toy. Nerf is the most well-known toy blaster brand; Nerf blaster is used as a blanket term for all dart blasters, despite there existing other brands and companies that produce dart blasters.
- Blaster (kjent som Utrydderen på norsk) var en maskinpistol som avfyrte energikuler mot fiender. Den var også et av de ti våpnene som kunne få gulloppgradering i utfordringsmodus. Bonusene da er at kulene er kraftigere og at de rikosjetterer mot vegger og overflater slik at de gjør enda mer skade.
- Blaster je oružje koje puca mlazove čestica energije iz zamjenjive energetske ćelije. Jedno od najraširenijih oružja u galaksiji, blasteri su mogli ubiti ili paralizirati svoju metu, s obzirom na to kako su namješteni. Blasteri su se razlikovali od malih, pa do ogromnih, teških artiljerija i blasterskih topova na svemirskim brodovima. Skoro je svako biće u galaksiji imalo ili koristilo blaster u nekim situacijama: Anakin Skywalker je posjedovao ionski blaster u mladosti, Leia Organa je dobila sportski blaster kad je bila još samo tinejdžer, a mandalorianska djeca su dobivala blastere, još i prije 13 godina.
- Blaster is a Guardian GoBot who turns into a mobile missile launcher tank.
- The Blaster, also known as the Ion Blaster, is a weapon manufactured by Gadgetron featured in Ratchet & Clank. It is a medium-ranged pistol with a high rate-of-fire which automatically targets enemies and deals minimal damage. It can be upgraded to the Gold Blaster.
- thumb|300px|right|Relm setzt Blaster ein Blaster ist ein Zauber in verschiedenen Final Fantasy-Spielen. Er wird oftmals von katzenartigen Gegnern, wie dem Quahl, verwendet. Blaster bewirkt typischerweise, dass das Ziel entweder sofort K.O. geht oder aber durch Stop oder Stein bewegungsunfähig gemacht wird.
- Blasters are deadly weapons, found in the later game of Might and Magic VI and VII. They are creations of ancient technology. File:Blaster.gif File:Blaster-rifle.gif
- Blaster was an demolitions expert before the Volgan occupation of Great Britain. In Bill Savage's Resistance group, the Mad Dogs, he played a part in rigging explosives around Nelson's Column to foil Volgan tanks entering the re-named Trafalgar Square.
- Blaster (ブラスター Burasutā?), known as Beak in some English sources, is a wall-mounted gun with a beak-like armored shell that opens and closes. They are indestructible when closed, and shoot in four different directions when open.
- The Blaster ability is defined as anyone who use a blaster which can grapple in the red grapple fields up a height or across a gap. In LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures and LEGO Batman: The Videogame, even if you have a gun, the grapple ability is removed, so most characters with guns or blasters fall under Other.
- The Blaster is bought on the final episode: Episode 21, Fate of Veldin part 2: I'll finish you off Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman Drek once, and for all!
- A blaster is a Star Wars ranged weapon shooting energy bolts to kill or stun the target. On Second Life, a blaster is a scripted attachment, often on right or Left hand and imitating the look of a canon Star Wars blaster, able to throw long and colored physical prims at moderate speed, in front of the avatar wearing them. The common purpose, when not just to trigger the effect, being to collide to a scripted object or an avatar for damaging or wounding them. Scripted blasters and other ranged weapons are generally only used when shooting at a avatar wearing a Combat System although there are exceptions.
- Blasters are ranged energy weapons seen and used by many characters and factions throughout Star Wars.
- The Blaster is an enemy construct in Dungeon Siege associated with Goblins.
- Los Blasters son las armas que lanzan explosiones de fuego débiles, el tipo más común es el cañón de brazo.
- Blaster's initial transformation is an AM/FM Stereo Cassette Player, commonly referred to as a boombox or ghettoblaster, hence the name. Blaster was a popular character from the original series while not featuring as prominently in the modern Transformers universe. As a member of the Autobot communications sub-group Blaster frequently worked with its other members - Eject, Ramhorn, Rewind and Steeljaw. He is the Autobots' answer to the evil Decepticon Soundwave and is his arch-rival. Blaster was voted the 5th top Transformer who was bad ass in the comics by Topless Robots.
- [[Fichier:Fusil blaster E-11.png|thumb|right|250px|Un fusil blaster E-11, exemple de blaster.]]Le blaster (ou pistolet laser) était un type d'arme à distance qui émettait des rayons de plasma. Fonctionnant de la même manière qu'un armement laser, les blaster convertissaient un gaz riche en énergie en un rayon de particules qui pouvait causer des brûlures à ses cibles.
- Blaster is an Autobot who likes to turn it up loud. That goes for the way he does everything: fighting, talking, playing - living! If Blaster is involved, he makes his presence known. He is in the forefront of any situation. But aside from the things he normally does in the course of being an Autobot, he has a special passion: Rock 'n' Roll. His ability to monitor radio transmissions has exposed him to many Earthen musical styles, all of which he finds interesting. But it is rock music - good, hard and loud - that really sparks his circuits. He'd much rather be lost in the sound of a searing guitar solo than fight Decepticons. However, when called upon he will do what he must for the Autobot cause, albeit reluctantly at times. As Blaster likes to point out, "I hate changing channels in mid
- Il blaster (talvolta tradotto in fulminatore) era l'arma più comunemente usata nella Galassia. Le armi blaster vengono caricate con gas tibanna e producono proiettili al plasma. Il plasma è noto per la sua instabilità e per questo non assicura una buona precisione nei colpi. Tuttavia, le armi blaster consentono a chi le usa di non caricarsi di troppe munizioni. Nonostante la maggior parte dei blaster dispone solamente di un fuoco primario (colpo singolo), esistono alcuni blaster, come il Blaster DC-15S che dispongono di un fuoco secondario, utilizzabile tramite una breve scarica di gas tibanna, che offre una maggiore potenza di fuoco.
- thumb|Il Blaster di Fox Il Blaster (chiamato Blaster Shot in Super Smash Bros.) è la Mossa Speciale Standard di Fox in tutti e tre gli episodi della serie di Super Smash Bros. La mossa consiste nello sparare con una pistola laser per colpire nemici distanti. Falco e Wolf hanno una mossa sostanzialmente simile nel funzionamento ma con caratteristiche differenti.
- Os Blasters foram produzidos de uma variedade de formas e tamanhos como a pistola blaster e o rifle blaster. O armamento de Blaster também podia ser acoplado em droides e veículos. Eles também poderiam bater com grande fricção ou mesmo força explosiva, permitindo que um tiro mate no impacto, mesmo o alvo sendo blindado. Algumas batidas do blaster poderiam causar o sangramento em vez de queimaduras, ou poderiam fazer ambos por causa da força explosiva que causa outro dano em torno da ferida.
- Blasters were deadly; they could harm people in many ways. They were held in the hands and denumerous times in quick succession resulting in a blast of energy that could cause another to fall to the ground while a strange liquid poured wildly from their genitalia.
- The Blaster is a move in the Super Smash Bros. series that can be performed by Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, and Wolf O'Donnell. It's basically a weak gun that can rapidly be shot at opponents. Fox's Blaster will damage enemies 1%, while Falco's will do 2%. Neither are powerful enough to shoot the player off of the stage no matter how hurt he happens to be. Wolf's Blaster, on the other hand, is much more powerful but he has to reload it after each shot.
- BLASTER likes to turn it up loud. That goes for the way he does everything: fighting, talking, playing - living! If Blaster is involved, he makes his presence known. He is in the forefront of any situation. But aside from the things he normally does in the course of being an Autobot, he has a special passion: Rock 'n' Roll. His ability to monitor radio transmissions has exposed him to many Earthen musical styles, all of which he finds interesting. But it is rock music - good, hard and loud - that really sparks his circuits. He'd much rather be lost in the sound of a searing guitar solo than fight Decepticons. However, when called upon he will do what he must for the Autobot cause, albeit reluctantly at times. As Blaster likes to point out, "I hate changing channels in mid-song."
- A blaster is a ranged weapon that fires bursts of particle beam energy called blaster bolts from a replaceable power cell. They are the most commonly used weapon in the galaxy. A blaster's intense beam consisting of compacted high-energy particles and intense light can kill or paralyze a target, depending on the weapon's setting. Blasters range from compact pistols, all the way up to the largest heavy rifles and starship-mounted blaster cannons. Nearly every being in the galaxy owns or uses a blaster at some time.
- Time Taken: One round. Specializations: A specific type or model of character-scale blaster weapon — blaster pistol, heavy blaster pistol, blaster rifle, BlasTech DL-44, hold-out blaster. Blaster is the "ranged combat" skill used to shoot blaster weapons that can be held and carried by a character. Blaster covers everything from tiny holdout blasters to large repeating blasters (such as the EWEB heavy repeating blaster used by Imperial snowtroopers on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back). Other blaster types include sporting blasters (Princess Leia uses a sporting blaster in Star Wars: A New Hope), blaster pistols, heavy blaster pistols (like Han Solo's BlasTech DL-44), and the blaster rifles used by stormtroopers.
- Blasters waren energiewapens die veelvuldig werden gebruikt in het universum. Blasters bestonden zowel in kleine modellen maar ook in grote kalibers die op voertuigen werden gemonteerd. Blasters waren lichter dan Laser weapons qua sterkte.
* Zie ook: Wapen Klassen
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- Blaster finds all kinds of Earth music interesting, but it's rock n' roll -- good, hard, and loud -- that really sparks his circuits. He's sure to be in the forefront of any situation he's involved in. As an AM/FM stereo cassette player he can perform as a tape deck, as well as receive radio signals of all frequencies with power outputs as low as 1/1,000,000 of a watt. When acting as Autobot communications center, Blaster can transmit up to 4000 miles. He carries an electro-scrambler gun that has the power to disrupt electrical devices.