| - Charlotte Boyd was a serial killer who murdered total of three people in Once Upon a Crime. In 2005, she was unintentionally responsible for the death of her friend Owen Thomas when she, Owen and two others were high after a fairy-tale themed fancy dress party, Charlotte hitting Owen with the car when he got out and she drove away. When an unknown party discovered the truth about the threesome's role in Owen's death and attempted to blackmail them, Charlotte killed Amy Morgan and Kristina Curtis by injecting drugs into them to stop their hearts, dressing them in copies of the costumes they had been wearing at the party where Owen died, and did the same to herself to make it look like she was also a victim. She was scared that they would go to the police to tell them that she killed Owen Thomas back in 2005 since she was the one with the most to lose if the truth came out. However, Castle was able to deduce that Charlotte was responsible for noticing the position of the bows on the costume each of the victims was wearing; her bow didn't match the others as it was at a different angle. Beckett was also able to prove that she used the credit card information of another person to purchase the costumes, as well as deducing that she had been responsible for Owen's death despite driving Amy's car as they had the receipt confirming that Charlotte had paid to repair the damage. As uniform officers arrived to arrest her, Charlotte was baffled that the bows were what gave her away.