| - Homunculus is a type of monster in ADOM. They are quite rare creatures that whilst being creations of magic, are not constructs; they do, on the other hand, seem vulnerable to humanoid slaying weapons. They are quite weak, though their attack can cause opponents to fall asleep if it deals damage.
- The Homunculus creatures are more likely demons of Arabic folklore. They are puppets that contain magical powers that are found in the tombs of pharaohs and kings. One of them was being offered to Andre Toulon on the black market by a mystical Egyptian merchant who captured and imprisoned it with a chain around its leg.
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- A Homunculus (plural homunculi), was a fully formed miniature being created through alchemy and science. During the days of the Empire, Sly Moore one of Palpatine's advisors, embarked on scientific experiments to crack the mysteries of life. Her scientists's experiments brought forth many deformed homunculi with extra heads and partial appendages. Trioculus was the final completed part of that experiment.
- Homunculi are enemies encountered in Ninja Gaiden 3 and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
- Ace and Raphael discovered the Homunculus while investigating the Harbours, but fled after being confronted by Lord Reptu. Ace later returned with Arun and Kraz, to be reunited with Raphael. Arun wanted to kill the Homunculus, while Raphael argued for saving it and possibly helping it, but was forced to kill it himself when it broke free and attacked Ace. With its death, the Grand Matriarch decided to use Ace's aggression instead. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Apocalypse)
- Latin for "little man", it is the concept of a miniature fully formed human being in alchemy. Creating one was the goal of Islamic Alchemists and creating one has also been attempted in Occultism.
- However, off the official record, not only one, but several of these creatures have been created in arcane, sinister secrecy. In the most relevant sense of the word, "Homunculus" refers to the eight individuals who make up the primary antagonistic force of the Fullmetal Alchemist series. The Homunculi created by Father (with the sole exception of Pride) carry the mark of the Ouroboros upon their bodies and are identified as such by said mark. Other common things that some of them share are hueless hair color, and the same eye color, which is shown to be lavender in the 2003 series and mauve in the 2009 series.
- Homunculus (ホムンクルス, Homunkurusu) is a Japanese manga by Hideo Yamamoto, intended for the seinen audience. It is serialized in the magazine Big Comic Spirits. The first volume was released by Shogakukan on July 30, 2003, the last volume on April 28, 2011.
- Bezeichnet Lebewesen, die mit Biochemischen Prozessen künstlich erzeugt werden. Ihre Geschichte reicht bis ins 16. Jahundert zurück. Aus Moralischen und Finanziellen gründen haben sich Homunculi bis vor kurzem aber nicht sonderlich verbreitet. Heutzutage verfügen fast alle Pharmakonzerne über eine Einrichtung, in der Homunculi erschaffen und untersucht werden, Beispielsweise um an Ihnen neue Medikamente und deren Immunreaktion darauf zu Testen. Kategorie:Homunculus Kategorie:Begriffserklärung
- Homunculi are tiny humanoids artificially created through Alchemy.
- Homunculus (ホムンクルス, Homunkurusu?) is a term for a creature given birth through an alchemical formula to create life without the use of a womb, instead developed using methods to develop sperm and other elements into a fully functional being.
- Kirin Tor doctrine frowns upon making homunculi, but some understand the principles involved. (LG 30-1)
- The Homunculus are entities created primarily Valeth Lezard in Valkyrie Profile series. These vessels for to be a stand with a soul and a different use after the two main game.
- Homunculus is violent, vindictive and possessed of an extremely short temper. Bad things often come in small packages, and this tape is a prime example. Created by Soundwave as an experiment in psychological understanding, this diminutive Decepticon proved to be far more than bargained for. In tape mode, Homunculus is virtually defenseless. As a robot, however, he's a veritable walking arsenal. Capable of instances of incredible lucidity, such moments are often shadowed by the insanely miniscule fuse of his temper.
- A homunculus is a cat-sized construct that looks like a winged devil. For the most part, they are created by wizards as familiars and to aid them in their work and research. A homunculus is made from a mixture of clay, ash, mandrake root, spring water and, most importantly, one pint of blood. The person supplying the blood is considered to be the construct's creator (and hence its master), even if other people were responsible for sculpting the body mixture and casting the spells required to animate it.
- When later contacted via NPC Contact, it tells the adventurer of the alchemists' attempt to reclaim the tower. The Homunculus used the Tower's powers to defeat them, transforming two of them into a unihuman and a chickalchemist.
- A Homonculus is a term that is usually used to represent a small human being. In the Dracul arc of the Sailor Moon musicals, the term is used to refer to an artificially made human being.
- The best known homunculi in the Hellboy series, Roger first appeared in the Wake the Devil story line where a team of B.P.R.D. agents discovered him in Romania. One of the agents Liz Sherman, fueled her pyrokenetic energy into the creature, bringing him to life. Roger then killed Bud Waller, and escaped. Roger then met his "brother" who informed him about his creation, and his creator. Roger's brother then planned on creating an enormous body out of human fat, for them to inhabit. However the plan was stopped by Hellboy, and Kate Corrigan. Hellboy then gave Roger his name, and Roger fueled Liz Sherman's pyrokenetic energy back into her, bringing a dead Sherman back to life.
- The average homunculus is 0.2-0.8 inches tall, weighing between 17 and 25 pounds. Its skin is a light greenish color, the kind that hotel hallways are sometimes painted, with a rough texture similar to that of your elderly relatives' foreheads. Homunculi have a basic human frame, but are augmented with six fingers on each hand and eyes which can detect a much wider spectrum of light than our own, including infra-mauve and ultra-chartreuse. However, these specializations have come at a price, as male Homunculi have even smaller sexual organs than one would expect and female homunculi (sometimes, homuncula [sing.] and homunculae [plur.]) are widely described by males as having "mosquito bites", though scientists are not precisely sure what this means. A homunculus' specialized dietary tract
- Created by an artificer or a wizard, a homunculus is a construct designed to aide its creator. Homunculi are telepathically linked to their creator, knowing what their creator knows, and follow the telepathic instructions they are given. Their creator can perceive everything a homunculus sees and hears, out to a distance of 1,500 feet. Homunculi vary greatly in form and function. The creator needs a workshop to create one, the raw materials, and the skill necessary to create one. Designs for homunculi may come from anywhere from House Cannith to Xen'drik.
- Hit Dice: 2d10 (11 hp) Initiative: +2 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 50 ft. (good) Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 size), touch 14, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-8 Attack: Bite +2 melee (1d4-1 plus poison) Full Attack: Bite +2 melee (1d4-1 plus poison) Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft. Special Attacks: Poison Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Saves: Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1 Abilities: Str 8, Dex 15, Con -, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7 Skills: Hide +14, Listen +4, Spot +4 Feats: Lightning Reflexes Environment: Any Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: Treasure: None
- A Homunculus in Haunting Ground is an artificial human or humanoid created through alchemy. Lorenzo Belli created several incomplete homunculi, which now run amok in Belli Castle. Lorenzo's clone/son, Riccardo Belli, created Debilitas using a dog's placenta as a base, however, Debilitas turned out to be a failed creation. A "baby" will scream, calling the stalker and raising Fiona's panic. They must be kicked away or attacked by Hewie. When dying, the "baby" will curl up in a ball and disintegrate in its blood puddle.
- In medieval European occultism, the homunculus is a small, false (artificial) human being created through alchemy. It only stood 12 inches tall. It would usally act as a Familiar for an alchemist. The recipe for making a Homunculus is a bag of bones (human or animal is not specified), human sperm, and skin fragments and hair mixed together and deposited in horse manure for 40 days. At this point, an embryo will develop with a small, transparent human inside. It would need to be nourished with human blood every day thereafter for 40 weeks, still buried in manure. At that point it becomes effectively functional. Homunculus is Latin for "little man" (more specifically "Man (diminutive)").
- Ordet verkar ha använts först hos Paracelsus, läkare och alkemist född 1493, som påstod sig ha tillverkat en sådan. Enligt beskrivningen var den circa 30 cm. hög, utförde enkla befallningar ungefär som en golem men vände sig efter ett tag mot sin skapare och rymde. Motståndarna invände då att i så fall borde åtminstone varje manlig homonculus bära med sig ett förråd av ännu mindre homonculi i sin pung, som i sin tur bar ännu mindre homoculi och så vidare. tills storleken blev oändligt liten.
- The homunculus, i, is a minor demon in NetHack. Its bite can put unwary adventurers to sleep. While the bite attack is not as deadly as the floating eye's gaze, it can still present a significant hazard. Its corpse is poisonous and has a small chance of conveying poison or sleep resistance. They will normally be peaceful if you are appropriately chaotic. Their corpse is poisonous and will reduce your strength if you do not have poison resistance.