| - When he begins to suffer from genetic degradation due to his imperfect infusion of Jenova's cells, Genesis leads a rebellion against Shinra with the intent of finding a cure. Genesis is an authority on researching and interpreting the verses of the epic LOVELESS, and his obsession with the poem drives his actions as he comes to think of himself, Sephiroth, and Angeal Hewley as its three protagonists.
- Genesis Rhapsodos (jap. ジェネシス ・ラプソードス, Jeneshisu Rapusōdosu) ist der primäre Antagonist von Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. Er ist ein Rang-1-SOLDAT, der bei einer Mission in Wutai untergetaucht ist und dem Shin-Ra Konzern den Rücken gekehrt hat. Ihn, Angeal Hewley und Sephiroth verbindet eine tiefe Freundschaft, jedoch ist Letzterer für Genesis gleichwohl Vorbild, als auch Rivale. Genauso, wie Angeal, stammt auch Genesis aus dem Dorf Banora und war der Ziehsohn eines wohlhabenden Grundbesitzers. Er ist ebenfalls durch das Projekt G entstanden, welches von Dr. Hollander geleitet wurde. Genesis liest den LOVELESS-Epos sehr häufig und assoziiert die Handlung von Crisis Core mit der Geschichte des Schriftstückes.
- Genesis Rhapsodos è un personaggio chiave nella Compilation di Final Fantasy VII, che funge da antagonista nel gioco Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. Prima che il suo nome fosse rivelato, era conosciuto semplicemente come G.
- Genesis Rhapsodos is a character from the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII and the major antagonist in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. Genesis is a former SOLDIER first class in Shinra Electric Power Company before the events of the game. Being a SOLDIER, Genesis possess a strong loyalty towards the company and just like Angeal and Sephiroth, they share the same dream; to become heroes. Aside from being a skilled swordsman, Genesis also loves to recite his favorite poem entitled LOVELESS and every verses are all memorized.
- Genesis Rhapsodos (ジェネシス ・ラプソードス, Jeneshisu Rapusōdosu?), also known as G, is a character in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. He is the main antagonist of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and makes a cameo in Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. A First Class SOLDIER born from the Jenova Project, Genesis is initially loyal to Shinra Electric Power Company wishing to prove himself a hero like Sephiroth.