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- A galley is a three-masted ship with seventy oars on either side and a total crew of two hundred. This ship is 130 feet long and 20 feet wide, and it can carry up to 150 tons of cargo or 250 soldiers. It can be fitted with a ram and castles with firing platforms fore, aft and amidships. This ship cannot make sea voyages and sticks to the coast. It moves about 4 miles per hour when being rowed or under sail.
- The galley was the first ship designed for war. Galleys were powered by banks of oars on each side, manned by well-trained oarsmen. These oarsmen were highly paid professionals or patriotic citizens (except in Overlords countries). A huge, bronze "beak" mounted at the bow of the ship was used to ram and sink enemy ships. Because of its long, narrow hull, the galley was very unstable in all but the calmest waters, and as a consequence its crew rarely ventured out of sight of land for long periods of time, lest the ship be caught in a storm and sunk
- "Luna Creciente" Galley (三日月ギャリー, Mikazuki Gyarī) se refiere a tres piratas: el principal antagonista de Romance Dawn V.1, un pirata de Relleno del Arco de Loguetown, y el principal Antagonista de Romance Dawn Story.
- Galley (ギャリー, Gyari) est le capitaine de l'équipage du Croissant de Lune.
- Galley è il capitano dei Pirati di Galley.
- The Galley is a ship type in Empire: Total War.
- Galera jest statkiem trójmasztowym z siedemdziesięcioma wiosłami po każdej stronie, a całkowita załoga liczy 200 członków. Ten okręt ma 40 metrów długości i 6 metrów szerokości, ponadto może przenieść 150 ton ładunku albo 250 żołnierzy i nie może odbywać rejsów ani cumować na brzegu. Porusza się z prędkością 4 mil (około 6,4 kilometra) na godzinę. Kategoria:Statki
- The Galley was the kitchen area below the deck of the flying Dutchman. It is where T-Bone and two of his assistant-chefs work.
- Galleys were oar-powered ships. They were not approved by Rokugani as warcraft, because it caused a conflict with the celestial Order. The samurai could not row, so the crew could only be heimin, who could not fight. They were also useless as merchant ships, because galleys did not carry enough cargo to make them worthwhile. So the Rokugani fleets had not galleys.
- A galley is an area of a ship where food is cooked and prepared.
- A Galley can be either: 1) A ship propelled by many banks of oars, see Galley 2) The ship's kitchen, see Galley (kitchen)
- Crescent-Moon Galley is the main antagonist of the very first version of Romance Dawn. The one-shot chapter was later animated for Romance Dawn Story, even if the plot is little different, due to the adaptation to the canon storyline.
- The Galley is a naval unit available early in later Civilization games.
- First coined 1300, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Galley]] galeie < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Galley]] galea < Medieval [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Galley]] γαλέα (galea) of unknown origin, probably from Ancient Greek γαλέη (galeē), a kind of a small fish, < γαλεός (galeos), “‘dog-fish or small shark’”)
- The Galley is the standard Heavy Ship of the Classical Age, built and upgraded at the Dock. Like all Heavy Ships, it is strong against Light Ships and Bombardment Ships and weak against Fire Ships and Submarines. The Galley attacks with the same method as the Trireme, though it has more range due to the presence of better artillery weapons of the Classical Age]] and more armor due to advances in armor technology.
- Als Galley bezeichnet man an Kleinküche an Bord eines Flugzeuges,Schiffes oder Zuges. In der Regel wird in diesem "Küchen" nicht gekocht, sie dienen lediglich der ordnungsgemäßen Aufbewahrung der an Bord zur Verfügung stehenden Speisen und Getränken. Meist besteht ein Galley aufgrund der sehr beengten Platzverhältnisse aus speziellen Boxen und Trolleys,die für den Gebrauch während des Transporters optimiert sind. Somit wird bei eventuellen Turbulenzen die Sicherheit der Gäste und des Personals bestmöglich gewährleistet. M.T.
- Enterprise NX-01 had a galley to supplement the use of protein resequencers with conventionally prepared food. Hoshi Sato discovered that this galley was protected by the Enterprise's Chef to the extent that it forced the cessation of her own cooking. (ENT: "Silent Enemy") The galley also featured a pantry. (ENT: "The Catwalk") In the final draft script of "Singularity", the galley aboard Enterprise was described as "a compact and efficient kitchen equipped with a mix of hi-tech equipment (such as the Protein Resequencer) and good old-fashioned pots and pans." [1]
- A galley is a type of ship propelled by rowers that originated in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and was used for warfare, trade and piracy from the first millennium BC. Galleys dominated naval warfare in the Mediterranean from the 8th century BC until development of advanced sailing warships in the 17th century. Galleys fought in the wars of Assyria, ancient Phoenicia, Greece, Carthage and Rome until the 4th century AD. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire galleys formed the mainstay of the Byzantine navy and other navies of successors of the Roman Empire, as well as new Muslim navies. Medieval Mediterranean states, notably the Italian maritime republics, including Venice, Pisa, Genoa and the Ottoman Empire relied on them as the primary warships of their fleets until the 17th century